Ladies only...



  • jessper1572
    jessper1572 Posts: 16
    I do not normally get bad cramp and I always feel sluggish and yes I want to eat everything in site!! I force myself to go to the gym and IT DOES help!! also a little trick I have found out is kiwi fruit will help with cramps:)
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    I pretty much want to eat anything in sight a few days before. It sucks! I need to learn to stop myself.
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    Hmmm ... I'll have to check out the primrose oil! I have horrible, horrible cramps, cravings, etc.
  • CynGoddess
    CynGoddess Posts: 188 Member
    Yebb. To counter it :

    * Ignore the need to eat everything - OR - choose berries and veggies to eat lots of - OR - Eat the stuff I want but make sure I have the calorie allowance for it
    * Do exercise - helps with the pain. Do not let the ughness stop you.
    * Drink allot of water. Seems to help with the pain.
    * Ignore the bloating, it will go away after TOM is over.

  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    Am I the only one w/an IUD? It is for 5 yrs but you can have it taken out if you change your mind and want to have a child. I have very, very mild periods, no cramps, no bloating, minimal cravings (I hardly know it's coming and I usually want salt). I am up for a new one in Jan and it has been the best $600 I have spent. I also realize the do not work for everyone but it has really been a miracle for me. I would cramp and bleed so heavy I couldn't leave the house, no kidding. I thought something was wrong w/me. I was in pretty much the same boat as you, eating everything I was craving but I'm eating healthier these days and I usually don't keep the junk food in the house.
  • reneealyse
    reneealyse Posts: 100
    Am I the only one w/an IUD? It is for 5 yrs but you can have it taken out if you change your mind and want to have a child. I have very, very mild periods, no cramps, no bloating, minimal cravings (I hardly know it's coming and I usually want salt). I am up for a new one in Jan and it has been the best $600 I have spent. I also realize the do not work for everyone but it has really been a miracle for me. I would cramp and bleed so heavy I couldn't leave the house, no kidding. I thought something was wrong w/me. I was in pretty much the same boat as you, eating everything I was craving but I'm eating healthier these days and I usually don't keep the junk food in the house.

    I could never get one of those. It's a good idea but my mum had one put in after I was born, in the hope that my brother would follow five years later. Well 16months later he was born. It had dislodged and was floating around inside of her. The doctors were convinced she had "passed" it despite having problems with her internal organs and being in a lot of pain. 10 years later, they found it, inside her, and finally removed it.
  • getwhatugive
    I get this too, the week before I have a huge appetite and no energy for exercising. I usually allow myself extra calories for that week and just accept that I might not lose anything or gain a little that week. In the long run it's only 1 week out of 4 so I'm still able to lose weight.

    You say the progress you've made goes out the door because of this week, do you mean for that week you don't lose or you haven't lost anything overall? How long have you been trying to lose weight?

    I always feel bloated at that TOM and my clothes fit a little tighter but it soon goes back to normal.

    If I look back at my weight chart it's like this: 3 weeks = loss, 1 week = gain / stay the same. Over the course of 2 years it hasn't been a big problem, 3 steps forward for 1 step back is still forward overall.

    its just what your eating. If i had a fun weekend and eat the wrong stuff i completely bloat up toooo many carbs. A couple of days of eating well and water usually does the trick

    Best of luck, I hope you find something that works.

    I haven't lost anything overall. I've been trying for about 6months but keep slipping back to old habits. I've been REALLY trying for about two months but I still haven't seen any progress. I actually feel like I make progress the way my body looks and the way things fit but then I jump on the scales and it's the same. I know it's not all about scales though so was gearing up to weigh myself then my visitor came and my body went back to bulgy and bloated. I'm unsure if it's just bloating though because my eating goes bad and exercising stops during that time so I feel like I keep bouncing back to fat me.

    The thing is this also happens when I don't have my period. If I skip the gym for three days or more and my eating slips, the weight comes straight back, it's so fast that even my BF doesn't believe me when I say I can't skip the gym for more than a day or I get beefy again. But it actually does happen. My clothes start getting too tight again. It's wierd and annoying and I'm a bit worried about getting preggers one day because if that's what happens when I don't exercise, what happens when I CANT exercise?!

    I know this sounds completely nuts but it's definitely not in my head because my body changes, I can see it and my clothes are tighter, people at work notice too because I see them look at my tummy on a bad day.
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    Am I the only one w/an IUD? It is for 5 yrs but you can have it taken out if you change your mind and want to have a child. I have very, very mild periods, no cramps, no bloating, minimal cravings (I hardly know it's coming and I usually want salt). I am up for a new one in Jan and it has been the best $600 I have spent. I also realize the do not work for everyone but it has really been a miracle for me. I would cramp and bleed so heavy I couldn't leave the house, no kidding. I thought something was wrong w/me. I was in pretty much the same boat as you, eating everything I was craving but I'm eating healthier these days and I usually don't keep the junk food in the house.

    I could never get one of those. It's a good idea but my mum had one put in after I was born, in the hope that my brother would follow five years later. Well 16months later he was born. It had dislodged and was floating around inside of her. The doctors were convinced she had "passed" it despite having problems with her internal organs and being in a lot of pain. 10 years later, they found it, inside her, and finally removed it.

    OMG that horrible! One of my sisters can't wear them either and my hairdresser took hers out bc she was putting on weight.
  • scmcgee
    scmcgee Posts: 165
    I used to be anaemic also but that was years ago when I was sickly thin. I thought it went away once I put on weight but I walked into a health food shop with my mum at Christmas time and the lady took one look at my eyes and said "the whites are blueish, you're low in iron".

    You can be overweight and still be anemic. I was for 13 years after I had my last child and my anemia was related to my TOM. I has at least 80 pounds over weight. I finally had the Novasure procedure done last year and this is the first time I have not been anemiac in YEARS.....Take a good multi-vitamen and make sure you are hitting enought protein rich diet.
  • Laylasmom77
    Laylasmom77 Posts: 42 Member
    I know what you mean! During my TOM I'm hungry, tired and crampy. I have found that taking a Gel Advin first thing in the morning before working out has helped. I eat the Special K Sour Cream chips instead of regular chips. I just try to substitute.
  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    And no matter what you do, do not step on that scale 3 days before your period until it's gone! OMG I gained almost 2 lbs overnight before my period came! I was moody to begin with and that really pissed me off!!!

    I agree. I have dealt with that this week!
  • 99wishes
    99wishes Posts: 6
    Ugh, me too...
    Water is very important, but as for the lemon water, don't drink too much of it. I was addicted to lemon water and drank a glass of it a day, but had to stop because my dentist told me that it was the reason I was having so much teeth problems. The acid in the lemon eats away at the enamel on your teeth. The most he advised to drink was a glass or two only once a week.
  • donnam40
    donnam40 Posts: 246 Member

    I am in the Evening Primrose Oil basket too. It has helped immensely. Even though I have had a hysterectomy due to endometriosis, I still have my ovaries so get the signs of a period - sore breasts, cramps, moods and cravings. EPO has got all of this well under control.

  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    If you eat whole flax seed your body can't digest it, you will just pass it whole (so if you see products with "flax seed" and can actually see the little seeds in the food, you will NOT get much health benefit from eating them--they will be treated as "roughage" by your body). My husband and I grind a few tablespoons at a time and keep the ground flaxseed meal in the fridge for a few days while we work on eating it. We sprinkle it on yogurt and salads, sometimes if we have pancakes or other baked goods we add it. Flax can be an egg substitute in baking as well: put 1 T ground flax with 3 T water and let sit for about 15 minutes. This amount will equal one egg. I don't recommend purchasing flax seed meal already ground. It is much dryer and less palatable than the stuff you grind yourself.
  • cantstayonadiet
    cantstayonadiet Posts: 6 Member
    It best helps me when I stay away from dairy completely when I have my period. I noticed when I have dairy during my period I turn in a balloon. Also dairy makes me cramp 168940400 times worse!!!!!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I am due today or tomorrow I was cramping big time last night and today I ate an entire bag of pirates booty over the course of the day, I couldn't stop eating. UGGH! I just worked out for the second time today because I felt so guilty. HAHA!
    I can't wait until TOM comes and goes.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    I rarely exercise (at least not enough) during my time of month BUT I just control my food intake. It's kinda hard to keep doing both. But I can limit myself by having carrots to snack on or something like that.