I gave up...



  • BabeedollB
    BabeedollB Posts: 161 Member
    At square one. Start by quitting smoking, getting healthily, and then began to exercise again.
    ^^^^^This!!! great advice!!!
  • crash_clu
    crash_clu Posts: 359 Member
    Start by eating better just for today. You can do anything for just one day. Once you start eating better you will feel better about yourself and then everything will fall back into place. Easier said than done I know, but you can do this. You have proven it since January. Everyday is a new day, If you faulter (notice I said faulter, not fail) put it behind you. It is in the past, you can't do anything abut it now, so move forward. When I slip I say to myself 'nothing tastes as good as think feels.'
    Stay positive. Look at old pictures, look at how far you have come and be proud of yourself for that.
    Good luck

    I agree - just do it for today.
    Then tomorrow, just do it for today. Then the next day, just do it for today..... If you have to tell yourself that you're going to eat healthier just for today, pretty soon it will be a week and you won't have noticed. Next thing you know, you'll realise that you've been eating healthier 'just for today' for a month, and then you won't need to remind yourself every morning that you're doing it 'just for today'. It'll become your new habit and will replace the old one.
    And if you have a bad day, that's life. Just start again the next morning =)

    I don't know whether it will work for you, but perhaps joining a group on MFP will help motivate you and give you some support. I was lucky that I signed up just in time to join the May Challenge to lose 5lbs in the month and I am now part of a group of people with the same goal, who are there to support me, motivate me, and remind me that no-one's perfect and if I have a bad day, that's ok, I can just start fresh tomorrow. I support and motivate them in return and we're all getting that little bit closer to our goals with help from new friends.

    Good luck! :happy:
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I lose motivation every September when I go back to school, and am surrounded by wings and beer all the time! University is apparently quite conductive to binge drinking.

    I just keep trucking as much as I can. I try to take it day by day and if I mess up, whatever. It's taken me 2 years total to lose around 35lbs and that doesn't really bother me that much. I just....do what I can when I can and that's all I really can do. I haven't gone backwards yet, I just tend to plateau for 8 months of the year! Hhaha.

    Good luck with your weight loss. :D
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    Ok so I decided I really had to do something about my weight, I was over 200lbs and unhappy but never really had any motivation to loose weight and I thought I would always start 'tomorrow' finally this January, that 'tomorrow' came and I really went for it! Some weight came off very slowly but I was ok with that because I wanted it to come off slowly and stay off! I even started jogging and within a few weeks could do a straight 20mins, I was finally getting fit.
    My partner and I moved house a month ago and with all the stress of that, we started smoking again.. and it had been 9 months since we gave up! we have also had lots of take away's because we were getting in from work so late and it was just easier...

    so within a month i was smoking again, eating bad and not doing any exercise! and I dont know where to start!!! I know I need to just get back on it but its so depressing knowing i have to start all over again and that if i had just kept it up I would be so much nearer my goal by now :(

    I AM going to start jogging again tonight.. i MUST!!! eeeeeekkk!

    Has anyone else lost motivation along the way? how did you get back on it?

    Do not feel so discouraged you have a lot of company in the “I fell off the wagon department” the trick is to get back on and you sound as if you are ready to do just that. I suppose some advice I could send your way would be to find an exercise that you enjoy, one that doesn’t feel so much like a workout. In that way you will get addicted to it and then you can incorporate other things into your workout routine a little at a time.

    Stopping smoking would be a good thing and in this day and age with all the drugs to assist in that department it shouldn’t be too difficult (I quit cold a long time ago, so I do feel your pain). Diet is something I find really easy because if I see how many calories are in something I have a tendency to shy away from the really high calorie foods as well as those high in sodium; logging everything with MFP is key in this department.

    Aside from those things the only other input I have is a quote I have seen several times:
    “If you are are tired of starting over, stop quitting!”

    Good Luck, Keep your feet on the path and soon you will be feeling and looking phenomenal.
  • QueChulaYo
    QueChulaYo Posts: 71
    Start with the DECISION to try:)

    when you decide to really devote your time, energy and dedication to yourself, you will quit smoking, eat better, and decide to make time for exercise. losing weight is hard work and you have to put alot of work into it, it's not a part time job, it requires a life style change.
    Never ever give up on yourself, but decide to BELIEVE in yourself, and the rest will come. Good Luck!
  • tyoung8
    tyoung8 Posts: 115 Member
    I ALWAYS loose motivation and just want to give up and do and eat whatever, But I have to tell myself that this is something I should be doing for the rest of my life. So if im feeling like quitting one day. Ill treat myself but get right back on it the next day.
  • cjhart81
    cjhart81 Posts: 200 Member
    Ok so today I am FINALLY back to the weight I was before i 'fell off the wagon' :D IM glad I just got on and tried again..

    Happy days!