Time limits on machines..



  • NNsMomma
    NNsMomma Posts: 18 Member
    If you are able, try going to the gym during less busy times. No one enforces those rules when there is no wait for the machines.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    our gyms only restrict time on the cardio machines in the busy hours. :) If no one's waiting then you shouldn't have a problem.
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    I do love running outside, I just have no way of tracking how far I go as it's usually a sporadic jog around the park near me. And I want to know exactly where I am at. And yup, I'll just have to go at slow times!

    There is a website called walkjogrun.net...it is basically like google map, but you can lay out routes to run. I use it ALL the time...I plan out new routes almost every time I go... I compared the distance to my friends GPS phone app for running and it was spot on...
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I'd be finding a new gym. How is a serious runner supposed to get a decent run in?? They need to be investing in some new machines it sounds like. I stay on whatever cardio equipment I choose that day for at least 45min.

    A serious runner would run outside.

    running outside? That's just crazy talk!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    It doesn't mean you can't continue to use the cardio machines, you just need to reset the time.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    What in the world??

    For some reason, I thought this was about time machines.. I read the subject line totally wrong.

    Take it outside!!! I can't run on a treadmill.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I'd be finding a new gym. How is a serious runner supposed to get a decent run in?? They need to be investing in some new machines it sounds like. I stay on whatever cardio equipment I choose that day for at least 45min.

    A serious runner would run outside.

    running outside? That's just crazy talk!

    You mean running outside, where races take place? Nahhh I rather feel like a hamster on it's wheel, going no where and breathing filtered air
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    I just set a new goal literally yesterday, and it was "try to run a 5k in 30 minutes" which is all well and good. BUT then I went to the gym today and it burned my *kitten* to find out there is a 20 minute time limit on the treadmills! I will rebel it out as long as it can, but I am a rule follower and will feel bad if someone is waiting.

    Just sucks that I actually pay to go there and they can't have enough treadmills! Come on! How do you feel about time limits on machines? I mean I understand the purpose, but ugh.

    DO 20 mins, step off for a second and do another 20 mins? That's what I'd do (if there was no one waiting).
  • enyo123
    enyo123 Posts: 172 Member
    I'd be finding a new gym. How is a serious runner supposed to get a decent run in?? They need to be investing in some new machines it sounds like. I stay on whatever cardio equipment I choose that day for at least 45min.

    A serious runner would run outside.

    Not where I live. It's not safe to run outside for months of the year. (Excessive snow, ice, and -40 C/F, plus wind chill at times.)
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    At the gym I go to, it's a rule that any cardio machines have a 30 minute limit unless marked otherwise on the machines themselves. Two of the treadmills have a 60 minute limit and those are usually the ones used least unless by someone who honestly needs the time. Though really half the time no one pays mind since the machines themselves don't have the maximums set in (not that I know of anyway, the other day I accidentally programmed 98 minutes into a machine and it was accepted, so) but it's just a courtesy thing since there's only so many to go around.

    I think if I needed more than the allotted time I'd be bothered, but considering the time of day I go I'd simply finish the limit on one, then wipe off the machine and go to another one. I've seen others do it with the stationary bikes, or whatever version of them involves an actual seat instead of a crotch-numbing bike seat, but those people tend to be more leisurely and use it to watch TV and do a bit a movement or to read a book.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I do love running outside, I just have no way of tracking how far I go as it's usually a sporadic jog around the park near me. And I want to know exactly where I am at. And yup, I'll just have to go at slow times!

  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    Rules are stupid. I do not follow any rules. I make my own Rules.
    Twenty minute limit on a cardio machine is ignorant....and I really hope you tell them so.

    If more people complain about the time limit then having to wait for a machine, then majority rules.....they should remove the rule of time limit.
    At least democracy used to rule.....not sure anymore.

    It's not a democracy - it's a business. And the business is setting the rules - likely because other members who pay to be there complain that they can't get in a workout because people hog the machines. 20 minutes is not a reasonable time limit, but cardio equipment time limits during peak hours are not unusual in many gyms.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I'd be finding a new gym. How is a serious runner supposed to get a decent run in?? They need to be investing in some new machines it sounds like. I stay on whatever cardio equipment I choose that day for at least 45min.

    A serious runner would run outside.

    Not where I live. It's not safe to run outside for months of the year. (Excessive snow, ice, and -40 C/F, plus wind chill at times.)

    It's not safe to run outside where I live any month of the year, but then again I live in an area that harbors drug dealers, wife beaters, thugs, and thieves of every age. If I have to go outside at night I bring a boxcutter with me. That aside where I live gets well into the 90s by this time and couple that with humidity it makes it awful to even walk on a jogging trail.

    Basically you have to work with what you've got. I know the gym I used to go to (I think it's called Spectrum) had an indoor running track. It was always busy with people jogging or running laps since, like I said, a lot of this city isn't safe to be outside in. That and 80% of the city has no sidewalks. We had about a half a dozen or so pedestrians hurt or killed last year because they have to walk on the road.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Running on a treadmill versus running outside....GYM LOSES.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    20 minute time limit? Are you serious? I don't know anybody who uses a machine for only 20 minutes! I'd be finding another gym, that's dumb.

    Our gym doesn't really have a time limit because there are like 2730482734 machines, but I think technically it's 30 minutes (if it's super busy). I've never seen all the machines full though, our cardio area is freaking huge.

    Also, to whoever said a serious runner would run outside: I consider myself a serious runner but I also do not have the option to run outside a lot of the time. I can't exactly take my son along with me on runs, and the gym has child care, so during the week, that is where I have to run. Also, in the summer, when it's triple digits for months at a time, running outside is next to impossible for me. Of course, running outside is always the best, but it's not logistically feasible all the time.
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    I do love running outside, I just have no way of tracking how far I go as it's usually a sporadic jog around the park near me. And I want to know exactly where I am at. And yup, I'll just have to go at slow times!

    If you have a smartphone check out the app called "MapMyRun". It logs how far you run, how fast, and your pace (MPH). It's amazing!
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    The time limit at my gym is 15mins, but only at busy times. Other than that you can stay on as ling as you want. I tend to go mid morning so never have a problem.
  • msjersey73
    msjersey73 Posts: 182 Member
    Rules are stupid. I do not follow any rules. I make my own Rules.
    Twenty minute limit on a cardio machine is ignorant....and I really hope you tell them so.

    If more people complain about the time limit then having to wait for a machine, then majority rules.....they should remove the rule of time limit.
    At least democracy used to rule.....not sure anymore.

    It's not a democracy - it's a business. And the business is setting the rules - likely because other members who pay to be there complain that they can't get in a workout because people hog the machines. 20 minutes is not a reasonable time limit, but cardio equipment time limits during peak hours are not unusual in many gyms.
    The Business will do what the majority of the customers want.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    This is why I run on the TRACK at my gym. No time limit, and if you're going to run a 5K, I've not seen too many of them run on treadmills.

  • 2143661
    2143661 Posts: 566 Member
    How is a serious runner supposed to get a decent run in??

    You can always run outside.

    My thoughts exactly...isn't that was serious runners already do? hmm