Bob Harper and The Skinny Rules

SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
His new book is out today. Basically it suggests protein with every meal-one glass of water before every meal and 8-12 glasses per day-one day with no animal protein (to focus on fruits and veggies) and one "splurge" day a week.

any thoughts?


  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I was liking the ideas until it got to the "no animal protein".

    You need to be eating meat as a main protein source.
    Soy is garbage.

    but other than that yes, it's nothing new really. Drink water, and eat protein.
  • christynek
    christynek Posts: 152 Member
    I will have to look into it, I usually love Bob. From the rough outline, it seems like a good plan to me. Just curious what protein sources he suggests with every meal? Is it always meat?
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I was liking the ideas until it got to the "no animal protein".

    You need to be eating meat as a main protein source.
    Soy is garbage.

    but other than that yes, it's nothing new really. Drink water, and eat protein.

    just curious, why do you say "soy is garbage"?
  • Hellaine
    Hellaine Posts: 79 Member
    I don't like having a 'splurge' day personally, I like justt having a treat once and awhile and working for it although admittedly I haven't read the book and don't know what he means specifically. I suppose splurge day works well for some people though, but I find it just completely throws me off.

    Everything else sounds solid except for the no animal protein, that's not gonna happen hahaha.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    Im with the above poster, I think a splurge day is completely idiotic.

    If I want a treat, I have a treat. I don't do a "splurge day' because I'm not depriving myself any other day of the week. Deprivation is key to not losing weight and developing bad eating habits, neither of which I want to engage in.

    Though normally, I liked Bob, Im starting to wonder about him though.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I listened to the program this morning. He said to take one day a week and not have any animal protein. The rest of the week he said you need to have protein at every meal. I don't think he was saying no animal protein ever.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I was liking the ideas until it got to the "no animal protein".

    You need to be eating meat as a main protein source.
    Soy is garbage.

    but other than that yes, it's nothing new really. Drink water, and eat protein.

    just curious, why do you say "soy is garbage"?

    While I don't think soy is garbage per se, I do think it's A) not as good of a source of protein as animal meal, and B) Modern processed soy is garbage.

    Also, if you have any type of thyroid condition, the isoflavons in soy can have a harmful effect. And with the fluoridation of water, we're seeing more and more thyroid issues that are subclincial. (fluoride is a way to slow down a fast thyroid, therefore, it would slow down a normal one to subclinical hypo numbers.).

    Another thing is that to be not toxic, soy needs to be fermented for a very long time, like over six moths and up to three years. In asia, (which by the way, they don't eat near the soy that we think they do, only about 2% of their diets come from soy) soy is fermented like this (think tofu), but our products like soy burgers, soy meat replacements, etc, are not fermented like that, and sometimes, not fermented at all. Unfermented soy (which is some tofu even over here) can have a very bad effect on the body, leeching vital nutrients the body needs.

    Also, the phytoestrogens in soy can have a harmful effect on the estrogen levels in men and women, causing hormonal imbalances.
  • Julibug86
    Julibug86 Posts: 21 Member
    I don't really understand the splurge day weekly, but I do agree that there are days where you just want to not worry too much. Last Saturday, we had a pre-mother's day cookout and while I opted to get the whole wheat roll and the chicken hot dog (and skipped the potato salad!), I still ate a cupcake and had a few beers. Definitely not something I'd do everyday, but just tried to keep it reasonable. Didn't really have time for a "real" workout, but swam with my family and took a walk around the lake instead.

    Sometimes you just gotta splurge.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    His new book is out today. Basically it suggests protein with every meal-one glass of water before every meal and 8-12 glasses per day-one day with no animal protein (to focus on fruits and veggies) and one "splurge" day a week.

    any thoughts?

    Sounds like a solid way of eating as this is what I pretty much do anyways - without the soy though. I am more a chicken kind of gal anyways.

    A splurge day is essential...but I don't make it a whole day... I just allow myself a treat here and there through the week.... Even if it is just a handful of chips or a slice of pizza. I make room for these things.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    I thought it was interesting that now that he is doing Crossfit he has decided to no longer be vegan.
  • charityheckler
    charityheckler Posts: 25 Member
    Soy is not the only form of non-animal protien. The purpose of out sourcing your protien to nuts and seeds, is most likely to ensure your body is getting all the necessary essential fatty acids. From my experience, a high protien - low carb diet works really well for a couple reasons. 1. Protien will help regulate and maintain your sugar levels. 2. Protien is heavy and helps you fill up faster and stay that way longer. 3. Carbs turn to sugar, which make people like me sluggish and hungry. 4. Carbs is what gives us that prego look (that stuborn lower belly fat that women especially have issues with)

    As for the high calorie day, I personally will swear by it. My last go round of weight loss, I had one day in which I ate what ever I wanted to. I steadily lost weight without a platuea for 6 months straight. The only reason that I quit loosing was because I wanted to, I felt like I was loosing to much to fast. The purpose of this one high day for my understanding, is to reset your metabolism and intake. Basically, it confuses the body and prevents it from gaining a routine.
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    He actually says to do one splurge MEAL a week. The thought behind it is that when you plan the splurge you are in control.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I like the idea of a meatless day a week. And you don't NEED animal protein per se. Quinoa is the only non animal substance that is also a complete protein, like animal protein. So you wouldn't be missing the other parts of the proteins like with other sources of protein.

    Problem solved.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I listened to the program this morning. He said to take one day a week and not have any animal protein. The rest of the week he said you need to have protein at every meal. I don't think he was saying no animal protein ever.

    this is true-I thought I made that clear in my original post.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I was liking the ideas until it got to the "no animal protein".

    You need to be eating meat as a main protein source.
    Soy is garbage.

    but other than that yes, it's nothing new really. Drink water, and eat protein.

    soy isn't the only meatless protein. There are lots. You can have beans and ect. I know they aren't "complete" proteins but you can get protein from them through a balanced diet with grains.
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    I was liking the ideas until it got to the "no animal protein".

    You need to be eating meat as a main protein source.
    Soy is garbage.

    but other than that yes, it's nothing new really. Drink water, and eat protein.

    just curious, why do you say "soy is garbage"?

    If you are against Monsanto, you should be! Soy is one of the most genetically modified foods.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Though normally, I liked Bob, Im starting to wonder about him though.
    He has to use gimmicks, like the ones listed in the OP. He'll never sell books saying, "Eat a balanced diet, and count your calories."
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Wonder what Oprah would say about no protein
  • BeautyAndTheGeeks
    Though normally, I liked Bob, Im starting to wonder about him though.
    He has to use gimmicks, like the ones listed in the OP. He'll never sell books saying, "Eat a balanced diet, and count your calories."

    His book could be blank inside but I'd still buy it if it had a picture of him on the front. Dude is smokin'!
  • divediva2
    divediva2 Posts: 297 Member
    You can also eat dairy foods such as Greek yogourt and eggs/egg whites for protein. When he says meat does he include fish in that group? or is it considered a separate group. As mentioned combining beans with grains will give you a complete protein and Quinoa is a wonderful protein rich food.

    Personally I like to eat in moderation from a variety of the food groups each and every day. Of course if I did it every day and stayed away from the sugars and such I would be much healthier. Darn sweet tooth!