What's on your playlist?

Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
Hey y'all! I don't know about you but I can't stand the music most gyms play (when I am lifting is not the time or place for love songs or bubblegum pop tunes). I prefer Metallica above all else, maybe a couple choice Linkin Park tracks, Nickelback, or something of the like. Mostly though, I want to hear that testosterone to fuel my workouts and keep beat with my reps or steps.

When it comes to cardio, though, I get SO bored! I need something to keep my mind from counting the minutes and making it worse so I have found that podcasts are AWESOME for this! I love "Stuff You Should Know" (free on itunes or howstuffworks.com). It completely takes my mind off the fact that I am doing cardio. And it's not goofy PBS stuff either - I mean these dudes cover everything from bullfighting, how spies work and what can be done with a dead body to how brainwashing works, sweating colors and how beer works. It totally satisfies my nerdiness... as you may have noticed :blushing:

What do YOU like to listen to when you're bustin' it in the gym??