Hello - it's ME!

jina1218 Posts: 5 Member
A little about myself would include that I just turned 33 last week and while I loved celebrating my birthday for 10 whole days, I honestly think I gained a pound per day.  When I was single and in my 20’s, I worked out daily and kept a better eye on my diet. Now that I’m in my 30’s and living with my boyfriend, it is a lot more pizza, beer and Wrestlemania! (Ugh) I originally set out to get back to my high school weight by 30. Now it’s get to my college weight by 35. Ultimately, I would like to be a phenominally healthy and unbelieveable 40 year old! I’m still pretty active and hyper (adult ADHD helps with that) but I have a heart condition (restrictive cardiomyopathy) that really interferes with anything too ambitious but I still aspire to complete a marathon, climb Es Pontas in Mallorca, Spain, or snorkel the Great Barrier Reef. As of now, however, I just need to focus on being heart healthier and sticking around to enjoy life.

I started myfitnesspal last year and it last about 3 weeks. I’m really serious about sticking to it and would love to meet new friends for commadarie and support. Feel free to ‘Friend’ me or email me. If you live in the Seattle/Renton area of Washington, it would be awesome to get a work out buddy. Especially to go walking in the evenings or do some 3k’s. The Boyfriend is good for heavy lifting but when it comes to working out with me, he’s too heavy for me to lift to the gym.

Thanks for reading and good luck to everyone with their goals!!!


  • mtraver88
    mtraver88 Posts: 78
    Hi there,

    I'm Michele. I'm 33 also and new to MyFitnessPal. I am a Team BeachBody coach. You should check them out as well. Their fitness programs are awesome. I am a mom of 3, work full time, go to grad school... and trying to keep up with life. :) I'm on the east coast, so I can't be a physical work out buddy, but can definitely support and motivate you. I have no idea how to friend people on here yet, so feel free to friend me or email me at mltraver88@gmail.com. lol.