It's so easy to give up.

I've been on MFP since January, and I was doing pretty well until about a month ago. It's been a rough few weeks - after losing my grandfather and catching my now ex-boyfriend in a rather compromising situation, I did a pretty good job of reverting back to my old ways of eating to avoid emotions and feeling sorry for myself. It's so easy to fall back into old patterns. I stopped tracking and stopped exercising and basically gave up. But today I decided that's over and I'm going to try taking care of myself instead. Hopefully I can start fresh and get back on track! How do you find the motivation again, and keep it going? Here's to today being a brand new day!


  • Jen0414
    Jen0414 Posts: 466 Member
    What a great post! I am an emotional eater too, and have been feeling sorry for myself a bit lately.

    Lets motivate each other!
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just remember that you are doing this for you, be selfish you deserve it.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I was also doing a good job since about December (had been on before that but not daily). I was starting to get a bit burned out on logging everything, but whenver I feel that I way I go to the Succes Stories and see pictures that motivate me!
  • MargotAllen
    MargotAllen Posts: 63
    Yeah! Back on track! It's about your health and your life. I feel like I wanna give up all the time. And some days I do, but the encouragement on this site is amazing, and really helps a lot!
  • cfh4030
    cfh4030 Posts: 2
    It is easy to give up, but you'll feel so much stronger if you don't. Just try. Start tomorrow fresh like the past couple of weeks haven't even happened. Don't look back, you can't control yesterday, but you can control today.
  • jeaniedev
    jeaniedev Posts: 117 Member
    Well first off, YAY you for reaching out....I hear you on this one....2 months ago my father died...I have been on this journey for 13 months and I can go back so easily. I did when my dad died, actually gained 6 lbs in 2 wks...which is HUGE for me, since my weight loss has slowed down. I have been excellent with my exercise and logging it, but just today i was thinking that i need to do better with LOGGING MY FOOD. I think either I eat too much or too little. I need to recommit and get in there 100%

    For me I think of how far I have come, I look at pictures, the clothes that now hang on me and how many ppl tell me how amazing i look,...that what motivates me to keep going, even when I don't want to.
    My trainer tells me, speed bumps and all you are in this for life.!!!

    Keep it up, stay strong YOU CAN DO IT