My little victory. What about yours?

I don’t care for bread, pastas, or fried food. My two worst addictions are chocolate and red wine.
And most of us know how well one complements another. Well today I bypassed brownies in our office kitchen. They looked pretty darn inviting, but I for now I walked away carrying my pride up high!!!
Anybody to share your small daily victories ? :-)


  • vannort
    vannort Posts: 2
    I love my wine, too!
    My little victory today was being able to make strawberry cupcakes (with buttercream icing) with my three-year old without eating one. It's weird - I never used to care for sweets until after I turned 35, and now I LOVE them. So unfair!
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    Today I worked out twice. 45 min exercise class in the morning and 37 min on treadmill tonight. 6 mos ago couldn't even do 5 min once a day.
  • BodyUnderConstruction
    BodyUnderConstruction Posts: 82 Member
    Today I worked. I work at a fast food chain (Sonic) and we get free tater tots and drinks and whatever food we buy comes out of our tips so it's tempting to pig out. I didn't eat anything! So proud!
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    I am dying for a mini chocolate molten cake -- which is currently in my pantry just waiting for 90 seconds in the microwave.
  • linochka1969
    linochka1969 Posts: 136 Member
    You guys are good!
  • ColleenAtherton
    ColleenAtherton Posts: 230 Member
    I turned my alarm off this morning and thought "I'm just going to lay here for a few more minutes" and that turned into 20! :embarassed: But I got myself up and still worked out instead of saying "eff it" even though I was soooooo tired this morning! :yawn: