How long is too long to exercise? HELP!

TheWayIUsed2Be Posts: 70
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
In the beginning I would go to the gym and catch my Life Time movie :laugh: and workout n the treadmill for 2 hours. it was so easy when I was watching tv and id burn 1200 calories if not more each workout. Recently iv heard moderation and that anything over an hour is not good. Has anyone talked to a trainer or a nutritionist that has clarified this? I did the 6 week body makeover a long time ago by Michael Thermond and i know it said no more than an hour and keep your heart rate at a certain level......any thoughts knowledge or advice appreciated GREATLY! :drinker:


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I am no expert, but I know that some of the really healthiest people alive are marathoners, cyclists, triathaloners, the athletes who do endurance sports are the most rock-solid low body fat athletes around.

    I don't think you are hurting anything if you briskly walk for a two hour movie- I think that is awesome!

    I'd use a heart rate monitor to accurately know what you're burning, so you can adjust your intake appropriately, and go for it!

    if your joints get sore, reduce it, but why restrict yourself to an hour of exercise if you feel good doing it?
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    I have heard that anything over an hour will force your body to burn muscle, not fat. My body-building hubby always told me that. I think if you make sure that you have had some good protien before your workout, you should be ok, just dont over do it!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Well, people take 15 hours to complete an Ironman. And live to tell about it. :laugh:

    What you should be doing depends on your goals. I'm working towards a Half Marathon and that means I need to get my mileage up to 13 mi at a time. There is no way I'm going to do that limiting myself to an hour at a time and my heart rate in a certain rage. I just got back from a 2 hour run, in fact.

    But one thing I do know, any article that says not to go over a certain level is BUNK. The fastest way to make fitness gains is to do intervals where you alternate really short intense exercise with short periods of recovery.

    The advice to not workout at higher intensities stems from some research that shows that when you exercise in a certain target heart rate zone, you burn a higher % of fat at the time compared to higher intensity levels. But what they don't understand is that, if you work at a higher intensity, you burn more calorie and so when your body rebalances your energy stores while you sleep, it will take the fat then. The more calories you burn, the more fat you burn overall in the long run and the higher your heart rate, the more calories you burn.

    Now, there are good reasons to limit yourself, but they don't apply to everyone. Some people get burned out if they start out too intensely and/or do it for too long. Some people get injuries because they are always working at their top intensity for long periods of a time. You need to have recovery time because that's when all the fitness gains are made. (Exercise tears down your muscles; rest is when they get built back up.)

    It sounds to me like you were doing something that worked for you. You might want to try throwing some other types and intensities of exercise into the mix, for variety and to make sure you are getting a balanced workout, but I wouldn't stop what you were doing completely if it's working for you.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I know people that workout for2 hours or more- but in reality you should be in and out of the gym in an hour.

    But yesterday I worked out for 2.5 hours. But I wasn't just doing cardio- I was hitting the weights and ended it with cardio a bulk of that time was hitting the weights- I don't do cardio for a ridiculous amount of time- .

    But thats a once a week deal- cause thats my full body workout with the weights-

    Now on another note before I got into the weight training really hard I have did the elliptical while watching a movie.
  • twotongal
    twotongal Posts: 12
    Well, I power walk every morning with my dog for two hours, I really didn't check me but he went to the vet every month and the vet monitored him as we did more miles in the same time frame, build up to it slowly he said, and baby will be ok, we did it as his pace he laid down as he wanted, took 100's of breaks, now we are doing, non stop but for water breaks ( he noses the hose from my water pack when he thirsty)

    I also do hour of stairs and no issues, so build it slowly I counted one round (up and down again) on knitting counter wrote down how many rounds I could do in that hour and just aimed for more as time went on, your breathing and knees will tell you stop and rest if you want to stay verical now.
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    Intervals are the smart way to go these days...they keep your heart rate up, and down a bit, mostly're building strenghth and doing things to increase your resting metab...and you can do way shorter workouts. efficiency and balance.

  • For everyone that mentioned intervals, i guess i should have mentioned that during commercials i change the incline. I mostly walk at 3.0 miles an hour at 6.0 incline then on commercials i double the incline.....can somebody tell me more about the heart rate monitor and how it works? i put in my weight into the treadmill before i start my workout is that calculating the calories burned correctly?
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    To accurately track your calories burned, the formula needs to know your heart rate as well as your weight.

    Even then, these formulas are just estimates so I tend to knock off about 10% of the calories it says I've burned, just be safe.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    In the beginning I would go to the gym and catch my Life Time movie :laugh: and workout n the treadmill for 2 hours. it was so easy when I was watching tv and id burn 1200 calories if not more each workout. Recently iv heard moderation and that anything over an hour is not good. Has anyone talked to a trainer or a nutritionist that has clarified this? I did the 6 week body makeover a long time ago by Michael Thermond and i know it said no more than an hour and keep your heart rate at a certain level......any thoughts knowledge or advice appreciated GREATLY! :drinker:

    I am working out with a trainer now and she told me that anything over 45min(for cardio) you start burning muscle instead of fat.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I am working out with a trainer now and she told me that anything over 45min(for cardio) you start burning muscle instead of fat.
    She's misinformed.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I am working out with a trainer now and she told me that anything over 45min(for cardio) you start burning muscle instead of fat.
    She's misinformed.

    I will have to ask her where she learned that from. She's a great trainer and has many years experience and everything she has told me has been proven true. I will research this myself and see what I come up with and will make sure I update everyone.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm pretty sure you can do as much as you feel up to it (listen to your body and stop when it tells you to, but if you feel great than keep going if you please), but after an hour or so you start to lose your electolites (sp?) so you need to drink a sports drink in addition to your water to help keep it balanced.

    I've also heard that after two hours of cardio it starts to stress the body too much and can negatively impact your workout. Not sure if this is true or not, my body reaches its breaking point around 90-110 minutes so I've never pushed past that.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    There's no need to do more than 60 minutes of cardio per day, but if you feel like doing more, just make sure you eat enough to support the rebuilding of muscle (muscle is constantly being broken down and rebuilt- it's normal). It's highly unlikely that the average person is going to over-exercise. Our biggest mistake is thinking we can exercise like crazy, and not feed our bodies enough. exercise.htm
  • blindrn
    blindrn Posts: 12
    I, too, have been working with a personal trainer. While she hasn't ever really given limits to anything, she is of the opinion that it is better to get in several cardio/strength sessions a week, even if they are shorter in time (approx 30) minutes, rather than one or two at 60 or more minutes. Also, our workout sessions are always a full hour which exceeds someone else's trainers advice of limiting to 45 minutes.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I, too, have been working with a personal trainer. While she hasn't ever really given limits to anything, she is of the opinion that it is better to get in several cardio/strength sessions a week, even if they are shorter in time (approx 30) minutes, rather than one or two at 60 or more minutes. Also, our workout sessions are always a full hour which exceeds someone else's trainers advice of limiting to 45 minutes.

    I said my cardio is 45 minutes. I do strength training with my trainer and my cardio on my own time. I don't need help doing an Eliptical machine so I use my time with my trainer wisely and we work together for 1hr-1 1/2 hrs.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    In the beginning I would go to the gym and catch my Life Time movie :laugh: and workout n the treadmill for 2 hours. it was so easy when I was watching tv and id burn 1200 calories if not more each workout. Recently iv heard moderation and that anything over an hour is not good. Has anyone talked to a trainer or a nutritionist that has clarified this? I did the 6 week body makeover a long time ago by Michael Thermond and i know it said no more than an hour and keep your heart rate at a certain level......any thoughts knowledge or advice appreciated GREATLY! :drinker:

    I have been told the same thing when I was working with a trainer..............

    Cardio - you can do more than an hour to build endurance

    Strength Training - weight lifting, your body gets no more out of it than 45 minutes to an hour...after that, it is potential to hurt yourself more than help it.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I am working out with a trainer now and she told me that anything over 45min(for cardio) you start burning muscle instead of fat.
    She's misinformed.

    I will have to ask her where she learned that from. She's a great trainer and has many years experience and everything she has told me has been proven true. I will research this myself and see what I come up with and will make sure I update everyone.

    My trainer has also told me not to go over board or you will burn muscle instead of fat. I was doing 1hr of weight training with him and then 30 mins of cardio. If I wanted to do anything more than that he told me to stop and have a snack or some Gatorade first.
  • tvfit
    tvfit Posts: 56 Member
    With this much exercise, I think the biggest thing to consider is the possibility of an overuse injury. It could happen anywhere: the ball of your foot, your ankle, your knee or your hip flexor/hip. If you overtrain and get an overuse injury (think the stress fracture that this last season's Biggest Loser constestant sustained), you will be down for the count WITHOUT the ability to do any exercise.

    Make sure you're warmed up before you start any intervals, make sure you stretch after you exercise, and only gradually increase your time/distance. If you DO feel pain in a joint, get to a physical therapist and make sure you rest so it gets better! I think overuse injuries present as initial pain that goes away when you're exercising.

    The most recent research I've read indicates that your body only burns fat when you're at rest. I've also read that it's important to eat high quality food soon after eating to restore your muscle stores.

    Make sure you're eating enough NET calories, too.

    Good luck!
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    I like the recommendations of doing some research, but I thought I would add this....

    I recently read that marathon runners actually have more health/joint problems then people who follow moderate exercise regimens. Think of your body as machinery - while you want to keep it in tip top shape, you don't want to over work it.

    I personally think that while losing, long daily workouts are fine, as it is for a short period, but I certainly don't think pounding your joints and bones in a gym for 2 hours everyday for the rest of your life is a good idea. Yet we do know that we need some bone pounding exercise to increase bone mass (just like tearing your muslces actually builds the muscles).

    Good luck!
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