How did you decide your goal weight?



  • merie08
    merie08 Posts: 114 Member
    I picked 170 because for me that will be the most I can weight and finally be in the normal range of the BMI chart. I figure once I get there than I will reevaluate my fitness goals and focus more on toning and shaping, i just want to get all of the "overweight" part taken care of first.
  • Bikerjewelz
    Bikerjewelz Posts: 67 Member
    Perfect example of differing body shapes. I'm 5'11 as well.. But when I was in the hospital on feeding tubes for anorexia with loose teeth and sunken eyesight was 150-160.
    I am certain content at 200,but I have not been 190 since my teen years as know that's where I would be completely happy... So that's the goal :)
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    I'm 5'5" and my lightest was 126 when I ran in pageants... I know it would be a real struggle for me to get there again. I'm aiming at 135 -140... I currently weigh 148... but the last 10 -15 pounds are always the hardest cause your body want to hold on to it's comfort zone... :P
  • blasiansrus
    blasiansrus Posts: 151
    My goal weight is 105-107 because that's my "perfect race weight" (training for half-marathon:)
    Oh & I'm only 5' 1.5"
    It's more about what's best for my body & my race times though, so I don't mind weighing a little more or less
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member

    Mine is 110. Sometimes it's 105, sometimes it's 120.

    My real goal is to fit into a size 4 US.
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    I chose 185 because for my height and ludicrously large build that is what my doctor suggested, it's also not quite in the healthy range for BMI but it's what is healthy for ME as a 5'11" woman with a large frame and a tendency to build muscle quickly.
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    I wanted to be at a healthy BMI, somewhere in the middle of 'normal body weight'. I've been 155lbs before and still felt too heavy, so I'm aiming for 145lbs. I'm 5'10.
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I set my goal at 139.5 lbs., which is 1.5lbs within the healthy BMI range and an even 75 lbs. weight loss. However, now that I'm only 10lbs. away, I doubt that I'm going to stop there.
  • find girls my height and look at the one with the body i want and find her weight. i'm 5'1 and 105 lbs and for example my favorite singer's dating someone who's 5'2 and 97 lbs. so them i decided my goal weight to be 95 lbs.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I am 5'4 and the middle of my bmi range is 120-125 so i'm thinking that is a good range for me.
  • Perisylpha
    Perisylpha Posts: 139
    I decided on 125lbs because that is what I was at age 22 before I had any children. Four years before that I was suffering with acute agoraphobia and clinical depression, I weighed 105lbs and still thought I was fat and ugly. At Christmas I weighed 180lbs and realised I had turned into my worst nightmare and had to do something about it.
    Basically I want to be lighter AND have good muscle tone.
  • cag0088
    cag0088 Posts: 2
    I too picked a weight were I was comfortable with myself and felt healthy. Also I have been gradually gaining since I started a medication and want to stop that trend. Good Luck!
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    Perfect example of differing body shapes. I'm 5'11 as well.. But when I was in the hospital on feeding tubes for anorexia with loose teeth and sunken eyesight was 150-160.
    I am certain content at 200,but I have not been 190 since my teen years as know that's where I would be completely happy... So that's the goal :)

    I'm glad you recovering from your disorder.

    Its crazy how different we can be at similar heights. I'm a size 8 US and a medium top. Just proves that what works for one, doesn't work for the other.
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
    My goal is 140 ( I am 6ft,small frame) but I'm aiming for 130 and then want to gain muscle which you can't do on deficit so I'll go up to 140. I don't care about the weight, to be honest, as long as I look good naked and have 20% bodyfat.
  • danielpinkney
    danielpinkney Posts: 44 Member
    Took me a while to work it out. Knew that BMI was not the best way to calculate it given that muscle mass is not accounted for so tried to find out what kind of weight/height ratio most fitness models are to give me a benchmark. Unfortunately not easy to do but I did eventually come across this calculator which made it easier... - As well as a good tool to estimate body fat percentage it also gives me my ideal 'Willoughby Athlete' weight/stats. This is perfect for me as I want a balance of being healthy, fit and muscular (not a bodybuilder, nor being too thin like a marathon runner). Interesting to note that at 5' 10" and 180lb my ideal athlete weight actually gives me a BMI of over 25... Or overweight, which goes to show you can't rely solely on BMI.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    One a month I spin a big wheel (think Price is Right0

    Whatever number it lands on is what I aim for.

    No seriously..I remember when I was most happy with my body and that is my goal weight. Course, that goal may change as well as it gets closer.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    I have set so many goal weights. When I was almost 300lbs, I wanted to be 224 again. Then 210, then 196, then 168. Then 154.
    Or sizes. I thought I'd be happy at a UK 14. Now I'm anywhere from a UK 10-14 (averaging a 12 now but clothing sizes are mad) and I'm not happy.
    Now I've set my goal for 135 but really I just want my body to be rid of certain fatty tissue and generally tone up loose skin etc. The number matters not a jot. I could be light as anything and fit in an 8 and still be lumpy and saggy and miserable, so...
  • jaharrison763
    jaharrison763 Posts: 99 Member
    No magic formula. I picked a number at the low end of my BMI since I'm small-boned and it takes me forever to gain muscle mass. And my doctor wants me to lose as much weight as I can, within reason, to avoid diabetes complications.
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    I read an article in Bicycle Magazine about finding my ideal riding weight. Skinny enough to climb well and fat enough to keep my immune system healthy. I can out with 178 lbs. based on my height,frame,and gender. It made perfect sense to me because I have been that weight before when I was in my best shape and felt great.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Took me a while to work it out. Knew that BMI was not the best way to calculate it given that muscle mass is not accounted for so tried to find out what kind of weight/height ratio most fitness models are to give me a benchmark. Unfortunately not easy to do but I did eventually come across this calculator which made it easier... - As well as a good tool to estimate body fat percentage it also gives me my ideal 'Willoughby Athlete' weight/stats. This is perfect for me as I want a balance of being healthy, fit and muscular (not a bodybuilder, nor being too thin like a marathon runner). Interesting to note that at 5' 10" and 180lb my ideal athlete weight actually gives me a BMI of over 25... Or overweight, which goes to show you can't rely solely on BMI.

    Interesting, Thanks for posting. That puts me at 4lbs above my actual goal weight, so I'm happy with that.