For those with disabilities



  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    Your post is so motivational and thought provoking, I was truly able to relate in a way.

    I have epilepsy. I was diagnosed in December 1981 at the age of 3, and I'm now currently 34. Part of my epilepsy makes my life difficult, as I can't do certain things without needing the help of another person. I need help styling my hair, as my condition's affected this part of my brain. I have to go shopping in a wheelchair because the lights affect my seizures. Through my whole educational life up to Grade 12 I was bullied for being different, and I didn't fair off too well from it. Eating was my comfort. That all changed once I went to college. It took a long time for me to gain a backbone, and for my confidence and self esteem to build up over the years, but it finally happened!!! But I still have a few hurdles to go over in life, and epilepsy can be a major stumbling block, no matter how hard you try to get over it, metaphorically speaking of course.

  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    Excellent Post! Some of us have large challenges in our lives, but keeping the positive attitude is what allows us to overcome them.