Food log to print and fill in- eating mindfully

Today I decided to start a new phase of my health journey. I have been maintaining my weight (plateaued!) since the beginning of February. I have recently gained a few pounds back, around 3-4 I believe, but have decided it's ok. I've been at this gig for awhile now and have definitely fallen off the healthy wagon in the past few weeks. In order to refocus myself, I have decided that for one week, I am going to record my food, without counting the calories, by keeping a physical food diary. I will not be logging the food until the end of each day so i will not know hour by hour exactly how many calories I have left, don't have left, ate already, exercised, etc etc. It's maddening sometimes! Besides, I know that if I listen to my body and respect what it tells me, I will be ok. My goal is to not be over 1800 calories, eating by hunger cues, and making healthy decisions instead of eating 1800 calories of WHATEVER just because I can. Time to go back to basics! I know I will lose this last 10 and I think that resetting my body's rhythm is a great place to start! I feel good not counting :smile:

I have been asked if I could provide the diary I'll be using so here it is! (I write my notes in the bottom row):

(sorry, too wide to post on here!)
