Vacation strategies?

Hey all, I'm heading off on a two-week vacation in the Caribbean this Saturday. I know, poor me, right? LOL

I've decided I'm not even going to think about losing weight on this trip, but I am going to try not to gain. My husband is a diver but I'm not, so on the days when he is going off on the boat, I plan to have a light breakfast with him and then spend at least an hour exercising in some way - walking, hitting the hotel gym,etc. Then after he's done for the morning, we have the afternoon to swim, snorkel, walk, etc. There will also be days when I will go along with him on the boat and snorkel while he dives.

On the few days that he doesn't dive, we have lots of active options - walking, exploring caves on the island, snorkeling, bicycling - and we're not there in the height of summer so I think it will be fairly comfy outdoors.

Foodwise, I plan to focus on fresh fish and fresh fruit as much as possible. I know there are going to be a lot of (healthy and unhealthy) food and drink options, and I don't necessarily want to deprive myself completely, but I am just hoping to be mindful and practice moderation.

Do you have any vacation strategies that have worked for you? Or does vacation completely mess with you (LOL)?


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I try and do fruit and eggs for breakfast (or fruit and bran flakes), a healthy lunch (lunch is usually my biggest meal of the day), fish and salads for dinner and then I can indulge in some drinks (which I like on vacation). I gained 2 lbs on my last 2 week trip.
  • msmindylee
    msmindylee Posts: 61
    If I gain two lbs in two weeks, I will consider this trip to be a roaring success, healthwise!

    I enjoy drinks on vacation too, LOL. Also not on vacation. Heh.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Also not on vacation. Heh.

    Me too :D Perhaps even moreso on vacation, which is what I should have said.
  • AimeeLynn90
    AimeeLynn90 Posts: 94
    Im going on a cruise in less than 2 weeks for over a week and I plan on not gaining a single pound! Im going to work out on the top deck of the ship (they have a running track) and eat extremely clean and stay away from the heavy calorie items but have the occasional drinks. Best of luck to you though!!
  • MNchick
    MNchick Posts: 371 Member
    Whenever I'm on vacation somewhere warm, this is what I do:

    - eat fresh fruit and coffee for breakfast (both are usually local and amazing)
    - walk as much as possible
    - eat a light lunch (this is usually pretty easy for me, because if it is too warm I don't end up being very hungry)
    - drink water throughout the day (it will keep you hydrated, limit bloating during travel back home AND help you feel more full so you'll be less likely to snack on bad things)
    - enjoy dinner!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Don't let yourself get too hungry! Travel with some healthy, easy snacks (I usually keep fiber one bars and almonds in my purse) to help prevent it. That way, you can be smart and make healthy decisions without having a growling stomach to fight. Otherwise, focus on being in the moment and stick with the active activities (the hiking, snorkeling, etc). And enjoy!
  • AimeeLynn90
    AimeeLynn90 Posts: 94
    I try and do fruit and eggs for breakfast (or fruit and bran flakes), a healthy lunch (lunch is usually my biggest meal of the day), fish and salads for dinner and then I can indulge in some drinks (which I like on vacation). I gained 2 lbs on my last 2 week trip.

    I love your main picture.
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    Sounds to me like you already have a great plan and a really healthy attitude about it! Enjoy your vacation, be active when you can, and eat fruit/veggies/fresh fish (plus of course some splurges and tasty adult beverages by the beach), and don't stress about a couple of pounds when you get home! Drink lots of water!! I'm not sure where you are from, but if you are active outdoors and not used to the heat, then you will dehydrate quickly. That sometimes will feel like hunger, and then when you get home your body will retain water so it will look like you gained more than you did.

    Enjoy! I'm so jealous!
  • limesublime
    limesublime Posts: 118 Member
    Bump! Headed to Mexico in a few weeks - thanks for doing the research for me OP ;)
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    I go with the "eat as much as I can" strategy.

    Not so good for fat loss, but I have a great time.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Use portion control and have a great time on the vacation!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    bump! :) enjoy!
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    Fresh fruit, veggies, yogurt, tomato juice, shrimp, grilled fish, chicken... Carribean has many healthy choices. Don't worry, be happy:)
  • dr_tina
    dr_tina Posts: 225 Member
    We are headed to Florida in 2 days for a beach trip. My plan is to continue to log because I want some accountability and I actually like doing it, so it isn't really a hassle for me. May be some estimating though. My plan is to take every opportunity I can to exercise and eat at maintanence. I am a pretty all or nothing person, so I know if I don't continue to track, it will not be I think you just have to know yourself. I plan on very light breakfast and lunch, then eat what I want for dinner.
  • diddyh
    diddyh Posts: 131 Member
    I would say to make good choices when possible but enjoy your vacation! You may gain a little but you can go right back on track when you get home. I don't want to be super skinny and never enjoy a meal or a vacation again. There has to be a way to have both. After all if you can't indulge a bit on vacation, when can you? Stay active and have a great time!
  • msmindylee
    msmindylee Posts: 61
    Y'all are great!! Thanks for your good thoughts. I know we will have a blast.

    I did something that probably wasn't so wise this time but didn't think about it until it was too late - I got a bunch of warm-weather clothes (shorts, tank tops, etc.) and found that I was hovering right between sizes, so I got the bigger size. Later, I realized that if I'd gotten the smaller one, I'd have had REAL motivation to use caution when eating and drinking so as not to have to go home nekkid. LOL
  • msmindylee
    msmindylee Posts: 61
    Oh, and UponThisRock - I love your idea. Heh.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    You pretty much have it nailed - just keep being active and keep moderation in mind most of the time - but my favorite quote - "everything in moderation - including moderation!!"

    When you are snorkeling spend 15 minutes to do some "power kicking" - swim some lengths at speed kicking with your fins on - great little calorie burner....

    Same when going cycling - a nice gently cycle is fun - but put some "racing" in and you will burn more calories - and have fun doing it too :-)

    In the end of the day you are on holiday - so don't stress it too much - the key is when you get back just get right back into your regular eating plan...

    I spent a week in Fiji last August - came back 3lbs up - but within a week I was back where i started before my holiday - and it was mostly thanks to just making sure that I stayed very active - diving, snorkling, kayaking and climbing mountains - but also some lovely hammock time in between.....

    Oh and I do agree with healthy snacks - I packed a heap of my protein bars, and a big bag of almonds, so when everyone else was snacking I did not feel left out....
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I try and do fruit and eggs for breakfast (or fruit and bran flakes), a healthy lunch (lunch is usually my biggest meal of the day), fish and salads for dinner and then I can indulge in some drinks (which I like on vacation). I gained 2 lbs on my last 2 week trip.

    I love your main picture.

    Thanks! I stole it from a friend :D
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    Sounds like you have a great plan! I have an amazing bf who loves to travel. A good problem to have, right? But, I've been challenged not to let all these amazing trips make me tubby. But, when I'm in NYC, you bet your boots, I'm having a hot dog and a pretzel. And, when I'm on the cruise ship, I am definitely partaking in the chocolate buffet. And this summer in Montreal, there will be poutine! :o)

    So.... all your strategies are great. Here's a couple more suggestions:

    * Keep up with your water.
    * Don't forget to go out dancing at night! You can burn a LOT of calories!
    * If you really don't feel like exerting yourself, do some pilates or yoga. Lots of resorts/ships even have classes.
    * Seeing as you plan to walk anyway, you might want to bring (invest in) some "ShapeUps". You'll burn extra calories wearing those and they are super-comfy.
    * Have a plan for the travel days. I like to stay on my diet until I'm actually at my destination. But, just decide. If this is a splurge day too, OK. If it's not, check out the airport web-site ahead of time and figure out what you can eat that's going to keep you full and not ruin your plan. (I like to keep a bag of whole roasted unsalted almonds with me.)
    * Enjoy all the hard work you've done so far. Relax and enjoy yourself.