P90X Support???

Hello. I tried P90X a few months ago during the school year because I wanted to lose fat and tone up. I quit after the second day because my muscles were so sore and it was hard to balance school and starting a new workout routine. I'm on summer break until classes start again in september so I would love to give P90X a try again BUT I would like some support and advice so I can really stick with it. I have questions that come up once in awhile and would really appreciate friends who are doing P90X who would be able to help answer questions and lend some support. If you are interested please add me as a friend!

First questions...when is a good time to start the program? When is a good time of day to workout for everyone? I play softball 3x/week and rollerblade 6-15 miles/day so should I skip P90X on the days I exercise?