interview tomorow...need some help :)

ok so Im going to my third interview tomorow at 10am. I have went to two other ones (which I think i Acd.)

I am so confused about what to wear or have my hair....

My hair is naturally slighlty I was thinking about taking a shower and then dry it with a towel and add hairspray at the ends to make my waves stick....(I have had my hair straight the past two interviews)

I also was looking through some clothes (I left my boyfriend for the night due to a fight so I was only able to grab some things) I have:

A: A tan lacy tank top and a black loose shirt (that looks like it would button up, but it doesnt)
B: A Black sweater (you can see my skin through the holes in the sweater) with a black tank top underneath (I think that would be more for a day at work)
C: A tan sweater than it about halfway down my belly (but I would wear a pink tank top with it)

I am probably going to wear dress pants (If i brought a pair that fit me). I also have jeans with me, but I think that would be to informal....

What do you all think? What do you think would look the best?? also should i straighten my hair or try the wavie thing, it is supposed to rain tomorow so my hair may frizz if I straighten it

It is a job as a Residential Director (program amanager) for a group home with disabled girls. I would be the head boss of the house lol. It is funded by DCF..


  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    What job are you interviewing for? What is the specific type of work? Generally, I would say dress in business attire and as professional as you can. If I was interviewing you, I wouldn't focus so much on wavy vs. straight hair, but I've had HR send away people who show up in jeans. From what you say you have, I'd go with the dress pants and black sweater with tank top underneath.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    Just look professional. I've never heard of someone not getting hired because their hair is curly or straight.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    What is the type of job?

    You should dress the way the employees there dress, or preferably a bit more conservatively. And once you get hired, dress for the job you WANT, not the job you have.

    Unless the people WHO INTERVIEWED you last time wore them, I would veto anything that shows skin on the torso, skirts above the knee, jeans of any kind, tennis shoes, and leggings.

    A slim black skirt, modest white blouse and clean dress shoes is always a safe bet.

    (I was the Director of Human Resources for a huge international company for 10 years).
  • Ayrlee
    Ayrlee Posts: 14

    It depends what position you are applying for... but I think the same rules sort of apply whether it be management or a waitress job:

    I am in Human Resources and do all of the recruiting. Just from my personal experience it's important to remember that the people interviewing you most likely respect their company and want to do the best by it. For example I have to interview people for line work where they will be in full white suits and hair nets... but if they come to an interview dressed as "grubs" they get deducted BIG TIME. It doesn't matter the position, you have to show that you are responsible and respect your work ethic no matter the position.

    Dress clean and professional... natural-esque makeup, minimalist jewellery, be pleasant and personable, DON'T CHEW GUM, and never say you quit your job due to you and your supervisor not getting along.... even if it's true. (I just got that one last week.. it's amazing what people admit when asked).
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'll be honest.. even if I had a fight with my boyfriend (and therefore was mad as heck at him), I wouldn't let a fight cause me to make a poor clothing decision for an interview.

    I would go with a nice pair of dress pants, a simple blouse (or sweater - not see through), and dress shoes. Keep it simple, conservative and professional. This sounds like a very important position and I wouldn't risk losing the position because you had a fight with your boyfriend.
  • Ayrlee
    Ayrlee Posts: 14
    And just saw the position... sorry I didn't see it before. Dress professional, especially as it is a head position, you have to look responsible!
  • LisaD1021
    LisaD1021 Posts: 42 Member
    I'll be honest.. even if I had a fight with my boyfriend (and therefore was mad as heck at him), I wouldn't let a fight cause me to make a poor clothing decision for an interview.

    I would go with a nice pair of dress pants, a simple blouse (or sweater - not see through), and dress shoes. Keep it simple, conservative and professional. This sounds like a very important position and I wouldn't risk losing the position because you had a fight with your boyfriend.

    I agree. Make sure your clothes are appropriate for the job you're interviewing for. Don't let a fight with him screw up your chances of getting a job. And fix your hair the way you feel most comfortable with. If you're afraid it will frizz if you straighten it, let it be wavy. Then you won't be messing with it during the interview. It's distracting and shows you're nervous.
    Good luck!
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    Option A or B - B def a tank under the see through sweater. Wavy hair incase it rains then you won't be worried the whole time about how it looks.

    And if you really like/want the position, send a follow up thank you to whomever interviews you thanking them for taking the time to meet with you, etc, etc. I did this with my current job (that I've had for almost 10 years) and my boss said that my thank you letter was what made me stand out over the other candidates for the position.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Don't wear anything see-through or like you could possibly go trolling the mall or the club after the interview. :noway:

    It sounds like the job you are interviewing for is pretty important. In that case, I'd pull out the stops so HR could see me look uber professional - slacks, conservative blouse, maybe even a suit jacket. Make sure the shoes don't look like they could double as club wear.

    Hair needs to be neat and tidy. Natural looking makeup. Simple jewelry.

    I definitely wouldn't let a spat with my other half stop me from looking professional for an interview. If you're at the third one, there is something about you that they really like and it's best not to blow it with casual clothing. Go back home and get what you need for your interview.