Hi I'm Ericka

Diabetic whose sugar has been out of control. Decided to quit smoking cold turkey just over 3 months ago and quit all grains cold turkey 1 month ago. Have lost nearly 20lbs since doing so and my blood sugar has been in the normal range for the most part since then! Just discovered this app on my phone so trying it out to see if it helps me any. I am so excited about this journey I have started on and although I of course want to lose weight, my goal is to put my diabetes into remission or at least get off of insulin! Would love to talk to others dealing with Type 2 issues and successes!:bigsmile:


  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Welcome and good luck!
    There are groups for diabetics and those with insulin/sugar issues -- as well as the general boards. You can find lots of good stuff here, but of course it won't all be right for you.
    Best wishes!