real whole foods

I am looking for friends on here who eat fresh fruits and veggies, meat, fish, brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole wheat or sprouted or rye bread, homeade buckwheat pancakes, hummus with raw veggies, homeade popcorn, avacado and know...real food. Organic, local, and fresh being the goals. With the occasional beer, wine, bites of chocolate cake, or dark chocolate bar pieces, frozen yogurt, etc...but staying within calorie goals about 6 days a week. I do see a benefit in a splurge day to reset metabolism.

It would be encouraging to find others who share a similar diet as mine. Please share your diaries also :) Thanks!!!


  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    I do this as much as possible but I eat in the dinning halls at school so its far from the way I eat when im home. Add me if you like but its probably not quite what you are looking for. (Lol its not what im looking for either)