...friends begging you to try dessert

So here's the scenario...

Your out with your______(spouse, partner, friend, boss, etc) and you just did a great job with your dinner in choosing a healthy choice. Then dessert comes up and they want to order dessert and ask you to get some too. How do you respond......

Some of my responses
I can't I'm so full if I eat anymore I'll be too tired to be productive
I'll pass this time but maybe next time, I'm just not craving the sweets right now.
Oh no I've got a bet with a buddy about who will look best in a month, and unless you wanna pay it I can't lol
I'm really watching what I eat and am gonna eat as perfect as I can for as long as I can. Maybe another time.

What are some of everyone else's responses to this moment of trial??????


  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Nobody has to twist my arm about dessert. I bank my calories so I can in fact eat dessert.
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    Before my diet I was out for dinner with a man who pressures me to order dessert when I really didn't want to, then passed himself saying "I'm diabetic". I was so angry, since I hadn't wanted dessert at all!

    However if it's someone who doesn't know you well, or you're unlikely to see again (like guy above after dessert incident) the diabetic line works well :-p
  • mystinamarie
    mystinamarie Posts: 51 Member
    Everybody knows I'm on this MFP journey and tracking my calories. So I'd just say "nope, I'm out of calories!" or "I don't have enough calories left!"

    If I knew ahead of time I was going out to eat I'd probably look at the menu online and figure out my choices to have a dessert if I knew it was going to be an issue and plan my day accordingly, with my calorie intake and activity.

    Or you could always see if there's a healthy, light option on the menu. Sometimes there's a fruit cup or a sorbet.
  • I'm pretty good about actually taking "just one bite." Otherwise, if i've been especially bad that day i just say no and my friends will usually listen...However, my mom literally fed me a peice of ice cream cake on mothers day, because she said it was "her" day and I would eat the cake if she told me to.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: "No thank you, I don't want dessert"

    I've had dessert only once since I started MFP three years ago and it was a planned splurge with my hubby for our anniversary (after I'd lost 70 pounds)

    My theme has been "just say no"
  • Dude - you're a 31 year old ex-marine. How about using my response....

    A simple "no thank you".

    Rinse and repeat if necessary.
    No excuse necessary - they can order but you don't have to. If you want dessert, order it. Else not. Easy.
    Peer pressure is something kids use ......
  • nose6
    nose6 Posts: 39 Member
    My boyfriend loves sweets and always wants to order dessert to share on the weekend. If I don't want to go crazy with dessert, I encourage him to choose an option that he likes and I'm not that fond of. (I know I'm unusual in this, but I don't really like tiramisu or cheesecake. I love chocolate though.) Then I take a few bites and that's it. But that really only applies if there's an option on the menu that doesn't much appeal to you and if you're sharing it.