When to bring in strength training?



  • LastTenPoundsGodDamnYou
    LastTenPoundsGodDamnYou Posts: 101 Member

    New Rules For Women is an excellent book! Go for it...BUT...Make sure you have your gym instructor goes over the moves / lifts with you to ensure you are doing it properly. If you haven't lifted before, there are right and wrong ways to do it. You can "feel" like you are doing it right, but without someone checking you could come a cropper like me and hurt your back doing squats and deadlifts. Don't let it put you off. Strength training is an essential part of health and fitness whatever your starting weight, just do it properly and healthily. Good luck with your weightloss :flowerforyou:
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    sorry to butt in, but i have the same question as the original poster.
    i checked out strong lifts and it seems geared toward men.
    am i missing something?
    5x5 says you will add 100 pounds to your lifting weight each month?
    i don't want to lift crazy amounts, i just want to get in shape.

    men and women have all the same major muscle groups and lifting form is universal. All that really differs is the amount of weight being moved and your end goal. Best thing when first starting out is to learn the exercises with free weights, what muscles they target, and how to do the lift in proper form. Lifting with proper form and starting with light weight and building to heavy weight helps prevent injury while lifting. Strength training helps reduce injuries overall.

    Work with a personal trainer, if you're comfortable doing so and can afford it, to learn that proper form. Or study the proper forms as detailed in NROLFW or 5x5. Once you learn the exercises you can build a lifting plan tailored for yourself (or the PT can help you with that if you're employing one).
  • ericgAU
    ericgAU Posts: 271
    No sure if this has already been posted or not but check out bodybuilding.com. If you can look past the constant barrage of banner ads trying to sell you supps theres some really good programs put together by those that have been there done that. Sorry if this has already been mentioned ;)