Anyone else suffering from heart palpitations/PVC's?

YennaBean Posts: 77 Member
I've been to my cardiologist numerous times, I've had all kinds of tests done over the past year. My doctor has ruled out any physical problem with my heart. He told me that he believes my palpitations/PVC's are caused by an anxiety disorder, which is very common. (according to him anyways.) He told me to either go see a family doctor for medication, or to find ways to cope with anxiety.

Anyways I wanted to know if anyone else using MFP suffers from this. I've been having them for years now. They've gotten pretty bad, I'm currently on medication to help with it. Luckily they're nowhere near as bad as they were when I first started having them a few years ago. They're really scary, and although every doctor I have seen about it has told me it's not that big of a deal.. I want to know if there is someone else out there who has them as bad as me. I mean, it's pretty much changed my life. It has me scared to leave the house sometimes... it's caused me to have panic attacks.. it just sucks. I don't even like working out much because I feel them a lot more during exercise. In March I went to the hospital because of it. Before that I was exercising everyday, eating healthy and losing weight. And I was really happy about it, then all the sudden I was hit with a nasty panic attack.

And if anyone wants to know, I've had a million EKG's, I wore a heart monitor for a day last year, I've had an ECHO done of my heart (it's basically an ultrasound.. pretty neat looking!) and there is nothing physically wrong with my heart. I just had my son 10 months ago, and am coming off a really bad birth control shot that caused me to be on my period for 6 months straight. Doc thinks it's a mixture of all these crazy things put together causing me to have an anxiety overload. I do not smoke anymore, I don't drink caffeine anymore, and I no longer drink alcohol. I don't do drugs, all I take are vitamins. (Just in case anyone's advice is to quit doing any of those things..)

Does anyone have the same problem as me? Is it getting in the way of living your healthy life style as it is for me?