Turbo Jammers 7/13-7/19



  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    This week so far I've been biking for 20-40 minutes a day and either doing Yoga for 20-40 minutes or Turbo Jam for 20. I want to lose about 5 lbs a month until I drop about 25 lbs. How do you suggest I make the most of Turbo Jam?

    It sounds like you can really benefit from more strength training. I suggest you try to get in 2-3 Turbo Sculpt sessions per week. I know most schedules recommend it last but it's so important!

    MFP tells me I should only be losing only a half pound per week. But I've been losing a good pound per week for over a month now. And I think that's mostly due to all the strength training I've been doing. Granted it took a while for me to get to this point (I just finished a round of P90X), but changing the way your body works is more efficient in the long run.
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone!

    Checking in so far with Lean Intervals and Extreme Abs. Hey Casey, in Lean Intervals she does your favorite jumping lunges with weights :sad: I thought I was going to have a heart attack! I REALLY need to find my HRM!!! I'm really going to try to haul my butt out of bed earlier to workout with you, but since the kids are off school, and I work from home, I've gotten a little lazy and usually workout at lunch time and in the evening when hubby gets home. Definitely by fall I'll be back in the early morning routine!

    Nice to see so many new faces!!! Have a great day!
  • LeanLisa4U
    LeanLisa4U Posts: 16 Member
    Casey and Ghanni,

    Thank you so much for your responses! I think the real issue that has been eating at me is the amount of time P90X. I was transferred in my shcool school district from the assistant prinicpal at a middle school to the assistant prinicpal at the high school. High school is much more time consuming.

    I aslo appreciate the nutrtion tips.

    Today was a rest day for me, but I be ordering ChaLean soon I think.

    Have a great day!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey everyone, had Turbo Sculpt with Ab Jam today and decided to try the 5 pound weights instead of 3's. I was shaking through parts of it but managed to keep up. I'll probably start with the 5's when I get to try 3T next week.

    Lisa, it sounds like ChaLean will likely be a better match. The intensity will still be up there, just crammed into smaller space because she's a bit less chatty than Tony, hehe.

    Anyway, welcome aboard!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Good morning all!
    It's been a crazy day:ohwell: I got up to do my ChaLEAN Burn it Off and my treadmill intervals..
    WELL...it started off with realizing I am getitng too much sodium! Then Jason is having bad back troubles so I spent 30 min rubbing his back (it's our one year anniversary today from meeting...what a great present:) So I only got in the treadmill intervals (although I did get up to 11!). Will have to do some yoga/core over lunch, and then CE Burn it Off/Recharge after work!

    Megan: Oh I hate those jumping lunges..hard on cardio and those leggies BURN! I like my HRM..thinking about getting a runner Garmin..does anyone have one?

    Lisa: Being stressed on time can do that to you! I really like ChaLEAN...she's tough, upbeat, and if you do have extra time in the day you can do some extra cardio, yoga, etc. Go through your coach on team beach body..it's cheaper than through the regular site (you don't pay anything for your coach btw). Keep me updated..I can always use another good CE buddy!

    Ghanie: Yeah that turbo sculpt can burn at times! The first segment with shoulders is a toughie..as well as some of the later leg work! Burn baby..burn!

    Some eating tips that I use: I eat similar to Ghanie: 6 meals a day-2-3 hours apart. I eat about 2 hours before bed though..mainly as I get up early and workout first thing..w/o eating first as that works best for me. But it is good to do what she said if you are NOT in my situation as then when you go to bed you are in FAT BURNING mode! To tell if you are hydrated..you want your urine clear! If it's not..you aren't getting enough! And watch sodium intake...too much can cause water retention and we all know what that means..weight is higher!

    Best of luck friends..happy FRIDAY:flowerforyou:
  • LeanLisa4U
    LeanLisa4U Posts: 16 Member
    Good morning,

    Did Turbo Sculpt with 20 min Turbo Jam workout.

    Casey - Thanks for the tip on going through my coach. There is a technical problem getting to her web site. Apparently when I ordered my P90X I did it through Beachbody vs Team BeachBody, so I never was assigned a coach. I am trying to get added on to her list.

    Congrats on the 1 yr anniversary. Wed the 15th we celbrated 19 yrs of marriage. I still am in awe of him sometimes...in a good way.

    I am glad you mentioned the not eating before you work out. When I have to be at work again that is my usual MO. Then I eat late an hour before bed (get home from karate and I am usually hungry).

    Ghanie - I took your eating tips (with modification see note above) and pasted into my notes. Thanks, it helped yesterday.

    Have a great day!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone!

    Checking in with Lean 3 (went up in my weights today :drinker: ) and Extreme Abs. Hopefully the rain will stop and I can get a run in this evening, otherwise I think I'll be doing some Turbo Kick!

    Have a great Friday!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Ghanie: Yeah that turbo sculpt can burn at times! The first segment with shoulders is a toughie..as well as some of the later leg work! Burn baby..burn!

    Haha, chalene's leg work is actually pretty mild compared to ballet conditioning (and they don't even use weights!).
    I took your eating tips (with modification see note above) and pasted into my notes.

    Well if you're working out late at night, that's a different story. You definitely need that fuel!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I survived my second Plyo X workout for the week and finally got through hotfoot unmodified, yay! I think I'm finally doing a little more than the guy who does it with one leg :laugh:.
  • LeanLisa4U
    LeanLisa4U Posts: 16 Member
    Megan - hope you were able to run. I wish we had some rain, it was 117 today and muggy.

    Ghanie - Hate hot cross foot. Man it burned. But good job getting it done!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Good Morning!
    Didn't get that run in last night, so I did it this morning along with Extreme Abs. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I don't think I've done a real pushup since elementary school and won three free karate lessons ... I actually did those on my knuckles but I didn't weigh much back then, hehe.

    When I was doing P90X, I started off doing pushups against the wall and slowly graduated to the couch arm and then my knees.

    Today I decided to see how many real ones I could do ... I did 10! :bigsmile:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    I don't think I've done a real pushup since elementary school and won three free karate lessons ... I actually did those on my knuckles but I didn't weigh much back then, hehe.

    When I was doing P90X, I started off doing pushups against the wall and slowly graduated to the couch arm and then my knees.

    Today I decided to see how many real ones I could do ... I did 10! :bigsmile:

    Congrats Ghanie!!! That's awesome! :drinker: I had a similar accomplishment too...I've never in my life been able to do a pull up...not one, even as a kid, and yesterday I did 5! :happy:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I don't think I've done a real pushup since elementary school and won three free karate lessons ... I actually did those on my knuckles but I didn't weigh much back then, hehe.

    When I was doing P90X, I started off doing pushups against the wall and slowly graduated to the couch arm and then my knees.

    Today I decided to see how many real ones I could do ... I did 10! :bigsmile:

    Congrats Ghanie!!! That's awesome! :drinker: I had a similar accomplishment too...I've never in my life been able to do a pull up...not one, even as a kid, and yesterday I did 5! :happy:

    Wow, I have yet to see if I could do one, hehe.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Everybody,
    Glad to see you all are still going strong!!! Awesome!! I've been missing you guys but my schedule has been more hectic the past couple of weeks and I haven't had time to check in. I'm really going to try to do better job of staying connected as my eat, too as been over my calories for the last 2 days. (I discovered mr salty choc covered pretzels, 100 cal packs; :grumble: - I finds I do much better when my snack aren't portioned into these 100 cal portions that I can rationalize eating "oh, it's just 100 cals..) Exercise has been good this week - doing my CP1 + 2, 20min , PK &J (!), and got my 4 mile fast walk in everyday -so that always makes me feel like i'm accomplishing something - especially when the scale didn't move.
    Really glad to see the food topic this morning - I need to do some tweaking there. 2 things I notcied I could change (aside from Mr Salty, hahaha) reducing the amount of sodium i take in and eating so close to bedtime. The sodium should be a fairly easy fix -lose the "lite" salt shaker and watch the spices, but the eating b4 bed is going to be more of a challenge. I get home around 7 and end up walking for 50 min. By the time we eat it's usually 830-9pm and I am just done. I am sleeping by 10:30 or so. After a workout I'm pretty hungry so my dinner cals might be 600-700 cals and then I'm sleeping. There is probably a better way to approach this. Any suggestions on dinner meals or anything else would be appreciated.
    Doing AB Jam and Sculpt today - I am making a commitment to do this 3 x /week w/ 5lb weights. I have GOT to add the strength training in on a regular basis and it starts today. Thanks to all who are doing it already and posting your progress and results. I'm a little slow sometimes but it hit home this morning.!!! Thanks Megan, Casey, and Ghanie:drinker: (that's crystal lite,haha)

    Hi to all the new faces, Cpafford hang in there,girl and just don't quit!!

    Hope you all have a great Sunday,
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone-
    Sounds like you've been busy! I just wanted to thank you again for your support and advice. Congrats on the accomplishments you've reached this week!:drinker:

    I finally started working on Friday- hopefully after a week or two I should be able to get used to a schedule- I understand right now I'm in flux though. I'm surprisingly rather stationary at work- I wore a pedometer and I only walked .5 miles in 8 hours! :noway: Going to try to walk around the area on my lunch break so so I can move more!

    This week I did the beginner schedule with Turbo Jam- 20 minute Jam on 4 different days and I either biked for at least 20 minutes or walked for an hour. Thanks to your suggestions I'm going to try to incorporate strength training this week. I had lost 9 lbs but I have gained a few back- I figured it's probably just water weight and stress. :huh:

    This morning I woke up at did 40 minutes of yoga (20 full body, 20 ab focus) and then the 20 minute Jam. :smile:

    Hope everyone has a terrific Sunday!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hi there everyone! I am new to the message boards. I've been doing TJ since mid-January now (had done a little at college before) but really stuck to it this time. Anyways, I was 167lbs slimmed down to ~120 now which I am loving! I am very proud of myself for my accomplishment and couldn't possibly cut working out from my schedule now! I have a couple questions regarding workouts though- I usually find myself starting my Sunday with a bikeride (about 3miles) then 20-minute workout to kick into gear for the morning. Then proceed with short Pilates session (20 minutes) and later with a Fat Blaster or CP Remix workout with weighted gloves. I also do AbJam every single night before bed along with some free weight stuff (not much). Mondays I usually bike again, do FB or CP Remix (some 30 minutes of cardio whichever I feel like) and Turbosculpt later, again with AbJam at night. On Tuesdays I run treadmill for 45 minutes after work. Incline is 6-8 and speed is about 3.5-4mph. This usually gets my heartrate up and sometimes if I'm pumped I'll kick it up a notch and run faster to hit the 3-miles marker. It's a good workout either way. Wednesday is my rest day (but I always AbJam). Thursday again is treadmill time (same routine). Friday is back to TJ- CP Remix or Fat Blaster(which is my fav :D) and maybe a bikeride depending on weather. Sometimes I throw in a 20-minute TJ or pilates just whatever I feel like to get active. Saturday I usually bike in the morning to get started, and 20-minute TJ. Then CP remix or FB later in afternoon. **So with that said..I'm really hoping you guys can let me know if that sounds like too much, too little, or just right? I feel like my body is craving food lately- over the last week or so (I've been a little more stressed out) but also is just body just needing more energy? Are my workouts sufficient enough to be able to eat more but still not gain weight? My muscles are becoming pretty sculpted (thanks to Turbosculpt and my free weight activities:)) but I just need some reassurance. I'm in the best shape of my life and want to stay this way!! Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks for listening!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hi everyone, it is rest day today, though I missed my main workout yesterday because of a noon family lunch that ended up happening at 2 and we didn't get home until 4. We spent most of the time waiting in the heat which was exhausting and I'm not feeling all that great today either. So I'm going to go ahead and call it a week.

    I did my yoga for the morning and I might also clock in a little rock stepper time and some swimming. That Rock&Roll Stepper is a real life saver by the way! I love it that I can hop on any time I want to just get moving for a few minutes. It really hits the core and legs, and I always have the option to put weights in my hands ... Both my sons have been spending some time with it too; I taught them how to take turns for 30 seconds each (or however long it takes them to count to 30).
    **So with that said..I'm really hoping you guys can let me know if that sounds like too much, too little, or just right? I feel like my body is craving food lately- over the last week or so (I've been a little more stressed out) but also is just body just needing more energy? Are my workouts sufficient enough to be able to eat more but still not gain weight? My muscles are becoming pretty sculpted (thanks to Turbosculpt and my free weight activities:)) but I just need some reassurance. I'm in the best shape of my life and want to stay this way!! Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks for listening!

    Hey angel, do you know how many calories you are taking in? Are you eating your exercise calories too?
    By the time we eat it's usually 830-9pm and I am just done. I am sleeping by 10:30 or so. After a workout I'm pretty hungry so my dinner cals might be 600-700 cals and then I'm sleeping. There is probably a better way to approach this. Any suggestions on dinner meals or anything else would be appreciated.

    I don't think it's important to cut dinner calories so much if you are working out at night. Cottage cheese is an excellent dessert and be sure you're having your chocolate milk after those really intense sessions.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hi again! When I started working out regularly in January I obviously was focused on weight loss, trying to keep my calorie intake around 1200-1300/day. As I have progressed and push my body harder during workouts (increasing time/effort/using weighted gloves, etc.) and reached my goal weight, I am less interested in weight loss and trying to focus more on sculpting lean muscles. So I would say now I have increased my calories to about 1400-1500/day. For example, I usually have 1/2 cup cottage cheese with 1 cup Kashi GoLeanCrunch and a banana for breakfast, lunch is a small salad (usually with free dressing or balsamic vinegar) and about 1-1 1/2 cups of fruits. Around 2:30pm I try to eat a granola bar or SpecialK bar for quick snack at work and then around 4:30pm I'll grab a 100 calorie pack (especially if it's a treadmill night because I don't eat dinner til around 8:30-9pm). Then for dinner usually I'll try sticking with a larger salad with chicken/seafood/etc (but watching what I put on for toppings obviously, keeping it easily under 600 calories). Dinners do vary though, but like I said I try to watch it and stay under on the calorie marker. Just seems like I'm still craving at times! Help!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hi again! When I started working out regularly in January I obviously was focused on weight loss, trying to keep my calorie intake around 1200-1300/day. As I have progressed and push my body harder during workouts (increasing time/effort/using weighted gloves, etc.) and reached my goal weight, I am less interested in weight loss and trying to focus more on sculpting lean muscles. So I would say now I have increased my calories to about 1400-1500/day. For example, I usually have 1/2 cup cottage cheese with 1 cup Kashi GoLeanCrunch and a banana for breakfast, lunch is a small salad (usually with free dressing or balsamic vinegar) and about 1-1 1/2 cups of fruits. Around 2:30pm I try to eat a granola bar or SpecialK bar for quick snack at work and then around 4:30pm I'll grab a 100 calorie pack (especially if it's a treadmill night because I don't eat dinner til around 8:30-9pm). Then for dinner usually I'll try sticking with a larger salad with chicken/seafood/etc (but watching what I put on for toppings obviously, keeping it easily under 600 calories). Dinners do vary though, but like I said I try to watch it and stay under on the calorie marker. Just seems like I'm still craving at times! Help!

    Wow, the minimum you should be eating without exercise for maintenance at 120 lbs is 1500 and that's at my height (5'1).

    So the first thing you should do is bump every day to 1500 (or whatever maintenance is for your height). Then start working on eating your exercise calories .. I'd say 50 to 100 calories more every few days until you're at 200 more than before ... then stay there for a few days to a week before bumping up even more. You're already at your goal weight so you might as well take it slow if you're not still losing. :flowerforyou: