A psychological tip for success

I've been on this "Rapid Fat Loss Diet" and I have found one part to be extremely helpful, so helpful that I will continue to use it once I reach my goal weight and move to maintenance calories.

Basically you allow yourself to eat whatever you want for one meal per week. It really helps sticking to a diet knowing that soon you will get to treat yourself to whatever you feel like GUILT FREE. Of course one meal means one meal, not pigging out or eating all day and justifying it. But you are allowed to have dessert as well. Another tip is to make your "free meal" a maximum of one hour, to avoid these problems.

It is also good to use for social events or when going out to eat, plus you are less likely to over do it if you go out to eat (but leave the leftovers, no doggy bags, unless you actually plan to give it to your dog)

Once I move to maintenance I might make it a whole day once a week, but like I said keeping it moderate. For me at that point I will be striving to eat extremely healthy, but then once a week allow myself to eat what I want, even if it doesn't live up to my ideal of healthy food.

I would say if possible count the calories, but that is not always possible, which is actually another reason why it can help....Once a week you can eat what you want and not worry about the calories.


  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    I'd definitely agree with you - back when I was fit we always had a 'anything goes' meal once a week or once a fortnight... I always saved mine for my PMT melt downs which were pretty dodgy territory :)