Do Toning Belts Really Work?

Hi all,

I'm going to the gym 2-3 times a week and eating healthily, and the weight is starting to come off which I'm really pleased about. Only trouble is, I'm finding it really difficult to lose the mummy tummy.

A friend of mine has recently bought one of those toning belts, and said they're really effective. Thing is, they're really expensive, and I don't want to pay all that money if it's not really going to work.

I'm doing everything by the book when it comes to weight loss, and it's paying off, but I just can't tone my tummy.

Before anyone advises sit ups or crunches, I can't do those as I have a spinal condition that I'm awaiting surgery for.

If anyone has any advice, I'd be really grateful :)

Kay - 22, UK.


  • RyanDanielle5101
    No, toning belts do not work, anything fast and easy doesn't work!

    Coming from another mom who had the tummy, keep doing what you are doing and it will eventually go away. A calorie deficit and exercise is all it takes, you can't spot reduce:). There is a saying around here "Abs are made in the kitchen"!
  • Alcoria
    Alcoria Posts: 167 Member
    Hi it might be possible to do a program called Hip Hop Abs its by Shaun T and is all standing movements, dance cadio you can go easy or push as hard as you can its up to you im not sure about the toning belts ive always wanted to know if they work too i also have a mommy belly (3 kids in 6 years does wonders to the belly area :P) Good Luck and hope everything works out for you.