Why don't I see results from my 30 Day Shred??



  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I think you look great and do see a difference.
  • Wen37
    Wen37 Posts: 218 Member
    I def see a difference in your Abs. They are more defined. You look great!
  • Ripcode
    Ripcode Posts: 142 Member
    the after pics do look like you are more toned...if you were building muscle that would account for the increase in weight, especially since you didnt lose inches so it takes more muscle to fill the spot vacated by fluff :)

    There's no way she added three pounds of muscle in 30 days.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Because you already have a very "tight" physique. Not everyone is destined for a 24" waist, especially anyone with ab muscles. Abs take up space in your body, there comes a point when an athletic body doesn't get smaller because it would mean losing muscle. I don't see any extra fat on your body. If you did... Then getting rid of extra fat would come down to 100% diet.

    It is also true that 30DS is kind of geared toward people who have more fat to lose. Was it challenging for you?
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Its hard to judge since the before pics are a little dark, but I definitely can see a difference in the side view, and on the front view you look more trim. Your belly looks like theres also more definition.

    I like throwing the shred into my routine every so often in the mornings, its a great wake me up video but I don't get huge results either. I see it mostly in my shoulders and arms. I use 10lb weights. I have always had weak shoulders so some moves I use 5lb weights although I need to buy 8lbs since the 5's can be pretty light.

    I liked Ripped in 30 better, thats what I'll move onto after The Shred but again, not huge results but I do like the video and did get results.
  • gseburn
    gseburn Posts: 456 Member

    Bless you for your kind words!! My hubby isn't great at supportive comments, and I could use them today! :flowerforyou:

    No Offence, but hubby needs a slap! :-) You look great. It likely is your diet that would help get rid of any fat, if you have any.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    30DS isn't really designed to cut a lot of fat. If you want to cut fat, you need to drop these cardio programs and pick up some strength training programs like: P90X, P90X2, Chalean Extreme or Strong Lift 5x5. These programs along with eating 20% below your TDEE will help you cut fat. Cardio programs will make it more difficult.

    So how many calories are you eating?
  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    Lift heavy and for toning check out Ab Ripper X... that destroys everyone.

    Ahh...damn you Crunchy Frog!
  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you all for your replies!!! The support here is fabulous! I have decided not to mess with Jillian's other videos and to start lifting heavy. I have used the machines at the gym off and on for the past four years, but was always intimidated by the free weight room. That seemed to be reserved for the guys that knew what they were doing :tongue: I bought NROLFW a few months ago but haven't tried the workouts. (I made the mistake of buying it on my Kindle instead of an actual book that I can flip back and forth through) I am going to look into investing in a weight bench and weights for home. Anyone have suggestions as to whether I should look into the Bowflex type or just a basic weight bench & weights?

    Psulemon - I eat around 1950 cals a day.

    Secretlobster - It was challenging; it had me huffing and puffing, but I could pretty much keep up. The ab stuff didn't "burn" enough and my arms didn't feel challenged enough. My calves and shins hurt for the first two levels and I wonder if it is because I wear high heels an average of 5 or 6 days a week.
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Weight and bench. Don't even consider the bowflex.

    Good luck!
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Barbell and bench, and a squat rack. I'm in the process of adding a 'pick up heavy things, put them down' routine, and these were recommended to me as the equipment I would need to get started at home.
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    I was totally the same, didn't lose weight or inches on the shred, but I did feel tighter in my tummy and I think it showed a bit. I have moved on to ripped in 30 and killer buns and thighs and it (in my opinion) both work you harder than 30DS so I'm hoping for some results. I have also ordered NROLFW but its taking forever to arrive (from the States to the UK.) So far I'm on level 2 of ripped and there is a lot more ab work than 30ds and I seem to be aching too which I take as a good sign :-)

    I know how you feel about being dissapointed after 30DS because everyone else seems to lose so many inches :sad:
  • Brandei
    Brandei Posts: 119 Member
    I just got my 30 day shred DVD in the mail yesterday and plan to start today, so I was very interested in your thread! I want to say that I def see a difference in your abs (at the least). You are already thin and amazing looking- keep it up.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Thank you all for your replies!!! The support here is fabulous! I have decided not to mess with Jillian's other videos and to start lifting heavy. I have used the machines at the gym off and on for the past four years, but was always intimidated by the free weight room. That seemed to be reserved for the guys that knew what they were doing :tongue: I bought NROLFW a few months ago but haven't tried the workouts. (I made the mistake of buying it on my Kindle instead of an actual book that I can flip back and forth through) I am going to look into investing in a weight bench and weights for home. Anyone have suggestions as to whether I should look into the Bowflex type or just a basic weight bench & weights?

    Psulemon - I eat around 1950 cals a day.

    Secretlobster - It was challenging; it had me huffing and puffing, but I could pretty much keep up. The ab stuff didn't "burn" enough and my arms didn't feel challenged enough. My calves and shins hurt for the first two levels and I wonder if it is because I wear high heels an average of 5 or 6 days a week.

    Depending on your BMR and normal activity level 1950 may be too much for 30DS. You really don't burn many calories with those programs. Most "normal weight " people I have seen average 250 calories per workout. Also, keep in mind that these JM dvd's are more towards endurance rather than strength training. Now with NROLFW, there you should see some good body recomposition results.
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    I began the 30 Day Shred on April 3rd and finished the last day of level 3 yesterday. I did ten full days at each level with a few breaks as needed. When I started, I weighed 150 pounds (at 5 foot 10 inches height) and my measurements were:

    36 inch bust
    29 inches at narrowest part of my waist
    32 inches at belly button
    39 inches at hips
    (I am 38 years old)

    I did more than half of the moves the "Natalie way" and only modified after attempting to do them this way if I couldn't do it. My weight went up 3 pounds after the first week and did not go down. My measurements are EXACTLY the same afterwards!!! I have read so many posts of success using the 30 day shred and was so hopeful that I would at least lose an inch or two, but instead I come out at the end three pounds heavier. I planned to move on to Ripped in 30 next, but now I am wondering if this is not for me and if I just need to switch to lifting heavy and stop trying the Jillian videos. Any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated!

    Here are my before pics:


    And the after pics:


    Not to be a naysayer, but you look RIPPED in the second set of photos and your belly tightened up. It might need to be a NSV kind of thing, but I see a difference in those shots.
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    Looking at some of the other posts I think I might have a notion. I find the people who have the biggest results are often people who either weren't extremely in shape/working out when they started the shred, or were doing something far less intense. The higher your body fat percentage, the easier it will be to see results with something like this. You are clearly in shape to begin with, so I can see why your response to the work out was more toning and asskickery than inches and pounds.