Need Help with Body Media...please :)

jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
Just started using the Body Media armband to track calories burned. Love the information it provides -- but the section to enter calories consumed is not as good as MFP. Any suggestions on how to transfer that information?


  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I track here in MFP and at the end of the day I load my Body Media information and under the top tab "nutrition" I click on daily estimate and enter under the "today" tab the amount I consumed from MFP.... then it updates itself when you click on summary again....

    I found entering all of my food on there not a user friendly as MFP is.... so I track it here and enter it there
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    thanks -- does it then change all the prior days to the estimated amount -- or does it just estimate for "today"?

    Currently, I am entering a new food and naming it with today's date then entering the totals from MFP -- but this will create a ton of items. But doing it this way lets you enter the breakdown of carbs/sodium/protein, etc.

    Thanks for the info!