Zumba Rush for Kinect issues

tdesignr Posts: 18 Member
I've been working out to Zumba Rush on the Kinect for nearly a month now. I love it because of the great feedback with how many calories I burn -- 420 calories for a 30-minute class and 925 calories for a 60-minute class.

However, when I work out with my mom's Kinect, it tells me that I've burned only 73 calories for a 30-minute class and 157 calories for a 60 minute class. With all the sweat dripping down my face and chest, I know that can't be right.

To troubleshoot, I even closed the blinds, created my own chubby avatar and have been making sure that the Kinect is sensing me (which it has been; I've still been getting a lot of "Zumbas").

Has anyone else encountered this issue?