Really New, kind if scared!! Need words of wisdom!

My names ashley This is the very first time i have taken MFP seriously. Ove used i as a calorie tracker before but would get discouraged and quit when i didn see quick results! I lno the results wont come as quick as i want them to ever! And i think im getting a better idea if what healthy weigh loss looks like!

Ive always crash dieted only to gain it all back. Or eaten foods i thought were healthy or ok and in all actuality i was eating way toou h of the wrog things! Its so inspirational to read all the success/ in progress stories and see that im not the only one who has struggled over and over again! The support people gve eachother on here is amazing!

Anyone have any new comer suggestions???
Also ide like to get more friends and a bigger support base!!

Thanks so much!!!

Ashley (just the beggining)


  • RichardCMolloy
    RichardCMolloy Posts: 130 Member
    All that I can say is to take it slow. I'm 41 7 have just about always had weight issues. At the begining of the year, I decided to try again but this time to take it SLOW & to do it by doing a lifestyle change, not a diet.

    Like most of us, I've tried diets & have had success but only short turn. This time, I'm going slow, still eating food that I like but just smaller portions. I've also started going to the gym. I hate going but I am...still going slow.

    For me, I've lost 20 lbs since Feb.

    I love to use the MFP phone app. This helps me make choices of what to eat & how much. Truthfully, I usually don't use it before the meal, I'll log in later & usually I am shocked but the calories! I then just know to not eat that next time lol

    Feel free to add me. I wish you the best of luck :)
  • Lindaendall
    Lindaendall Posts: 177 Member
    Everyone will do it differently and you much make your own mind up about how you are going to do it......but I am so pleased to read that you have realised that you need to take it slowly, make it a lifestyle change and build up a good support network.......sounds the perfect approach to me.

    Personally, I plan my menu early in the morning and log it into MFP. I then know how many cals I have left for treats e.g. biscuits , packet of crisps or a can of lager. This way, I am not tempted as know that I will have treats througout the day.

    I never complete my diary until around 5pm ish so that I can amend if I do vary a bit, but planning early in the day really does keep me on track, it also avoids nasty surprises when you do eat something before you have checked cals, very often, you can find an alternative if you know in advance. My diary is also open to my friends and we will look and comment to each other every day....also get some fantastic menu ideas.

    Good luck to you :flowerforyou:
