Motivation for morning exercise...



  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I am not a morning person and I want to start working out before work, too.But that means getting up at 5AM, which is SO not appealing. I always end up snoozing the alarm & then saying screw it. But I know it would make my days so much easier if I worked out in the morning instead of after work. It would leave me with so much more time to get things done after work and sometimes I'm so tired after work, working out is the last thing I want to do.
    So I'm going to attempt it and see how it goes.

    Feel free to add me and we can help keep each other accountable. :)
  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    I need it too, since I'd rather chew on chards of glass than get out of bed any earlier than I already do.

  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    You have to determine your WHY!! And then whe you are lying in bed at 5am thinking of going back to sleep think of it and then get up! I actually used to have a hard time getting up early but now it's just part of my routine. I also know that there is no other time of the day that I can workout so if it doesn't get done first thing it won't get done and I have made that unacceptable for me!
  • kenny7734
    kenny7734 Posts: 13
    After 4 months of waking up at 5AM, I still hate it but I force myself up. However, I have started packing my gym bag, along with the clothes I will be wearing for work, the night before and putting it in my truck. That way it forces me to go outside and either retrieve my bag or just start up the truck and go to the gym. I have, so far, just gone to gym complaining the entire drive there.Then after my workout, I was glad I went.
  • xcrunnergirl13
    xcrunnergirl13 Posts: 67 Member
    Personally I love mornings and working out early, but after a long day I find later workouts less appealing. Maybe if you can find someone else who works out in the morning too and be workout buddies. You will have to drag your butt out of bed because someone will be waiting for you, and having the social aspect will make things more fun and energizing.
  • Bxrlvr73
    Bxrlvr73 Posts: 82 Member
    I recorded my own "alarm" on my phone. Probably kind of silly, but hearing my own voice say "Get out of bed fatty it's time to move that a@@" seems to be helping me actually get up.
  • bilzprincess
    bilzprincess Posts: 107 Member
    I love the recording the personal alarm idea. I wonder if my phone cando that?
  • jen_lync
    jen_lync Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions! And all of the positive stories are super helpful as well.

    I think my plan of attack is going to be multi-pronged (honestly, I am at war with myself so clearly need to attack this from all sides):

    1 - Open my blinds so I wake up with the sun (this will be tough - I am totally used to sleeping in a room with black-out curtains)

    2 - Move my alarm/phone across my room so I have to get up to turn it off AND I will definitely take the suggestion of recording my own voice message as an alarm. GREAT idea.

    3 - Immediately go make coffee (this is one thing that will actually motivate me to get out of bed).

    4 - Immediately put music on, and then clothes

    5 - Proceed to treadmill or outside

    And I will totally take up everyone's offers to be 'friends'. I need serious motivation and I am happy to help motivate others as well!
  • Edwin_S
    Edwin_S Posts: 440 Member
    Hi All,

    Just wanted to pass along a "Thank You" for sharing so many great ideas and to jennierlynch for starting this thread. I've been trying to get up in the morning also to squeeze a workout in... since as you all say, the evenings can just be so crazy. Morning is the only ME time. It's been a struggle, but I'm up for the challange!.

    I'm getting up at 4:30am to get everything in, so all these ideas are excellent! The one that i think will help most is wearing my workout clothes to bed, hahaha! That's a funny picture in my mind. I'll try the personal message also. I'm not very intimitating though so i may have to get someone else to make it for me.

    Are all of you working out on an empty stomach then? I try to have an preworkout drink for the boost and then also an Aminomax during my workout.

    I dont know how much support i will be since im in the early stages of being an official morning workout person, but feel free to add me as a friend, and just mention Early Morning Workout Crew :)

  • bilzprincess
    bilzprincess Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks for this thread. I did it this morning--5am gym appt

    And today after a long day in the pouring, cold rain, in and out of my car, getting wetter and wetter--guess what I thought? "it's just too cold out. I need to go home and just get dry. I can't do the gym tonight..."

    HA! I'd forgotten I'd already BEEN to the gym this morning!! I got a glimpse of what kind of habit I've made these last few months...Excuse-making. I think it's time to choose a different habit for awhile.