Hi, I'm new here



  • brittanyb815
    I'm probably not considered new but at first I thought of it as a diet...... it's a total lifestyle change when I think about it now. Your already on the right track:happy!!! Feel free to add me!
  • amyjohnson91
    Hi I'm Amy. Im 20 years old and weigh 144lbs. Some of you may say thats a healthy weight but what i eat isnt healthy! i was 135.7 so have put on quite a bit of weight in just 2 years. I would like to lose 5kgs. Im on day one and already -57 calories, This app and website is already helping me by laying out what i eat and drink in a day and i already know how to improve it. It has set a realistic goal that i will stick to.
  • memeblue67
    memeblue67 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello I joined MFP some time ago. I have been going to the gym and watching what I eat. I have had great results but now it is time to get even more healthily.
    It is really motivating to see all your comments. I need to get much fitter to pass my fitness test for my job or I am for the chop!
    Good Luck everyone.
  • Ericia277
    Ericia277 Posts: 10
    I am new as well, I have decided that I am tired of not feeling good about myself, clothes not fitting and general lack of energy to help me keep up with my 3 kids, who are 9,8 and almost 2. I cant diet, it does not work, the minute that someone says, “you cant have that” I want it.. so I life style change it is.. I don’t own a scale – I might have to invest in one, I have been going by the way my clothes fit.. but as us women all know a size 14 is NOT the same in every brand so that has been a little discouraging!
  • il0v3dirt
    il0v3dirt Posts: 14 Member
    It's awesome to have you on here. I'm so addicted to "My Fitness Pal" it's not even funny. I started keeping track of my calories on April 30th - and I'm already down 12lbs. The best thing to do is use this EVERYDAY - don't let yourself forget to add in foods - and if you go over a little at first -- it's ok! I was probably eating like 5000 calories a day - and now everyday I stay under 1900. I already feel so much better about myself. I also workout at least 3 times a week - because without excerise - nothings going to happen. I'm OBSESSED with zumba. Hopefully you have AWESOME results. You can dooo it!! :)
  • uubulldawg06
    uubulldawg06 Posts: 102 Member
    You have joined an amazing site for support. I to despise the word diet and choose lifestyle change. I am on her daily and would love to support you on you journey.
  • brwneyedirish813
    brwneyedirish813 Posts: 67 Member
    We have a lot in common. I added you. I'm also 4'11 started out at 205 lbs - I'm now down 10. And we both live in florida. I'm here if ya need anything. Hope you have a great thursday!
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    Ashley, the change in your diet needs to be a permanent thing, otherwise referred to as a lifestyle change. Feel free to add me for support!
  • uprightashley
    uprightashley Posts: 39 Member