Fell of MFP Wagon -- Really Down



  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    Try not to let it get you down because it happens to us all. Just remember that you are changing your lifestyle and that doesn't mean you will be hardcore every week. But it does mean you will be making better choices the majority of the time. Like other have said...just look forward and not back!
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Yeah been there done that!

    The things I seem to struggle with things which should be pleasurable - particulalry having people to stay or visiting people, and I just find it impossible to stay with the programme - and once I've lost the plot a bit I find it hard to recover!

    I know all the right answers but I do seem to have these phases when I can't stick with it....
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    Totally! I can totally relate. But bottom line is....so what? You are aware of what happened. That's the important thing. Emotional eating is going to happen. It doesn't mean we have to give up or unconsciously let the vicious cycle of eating junk then getting addicted to junk all over again happen. Living in the present moment for me is key. Once you start on junk again, it is very hard to get back on track because in 2hours your body will crave the junk you ate. That happens for a ton of people. You aren't bad nor do you lack will power. My 2 cents is be kind to yourself and stay aware of what you are feeling in the moment. Then make a choice. Even if you make a choice to down the plate of nachos, if you do it and you're present without judging yourself--I think you'll start to feel how your body feels and gain the presence to make a choice you feel good about. It's all a growth experience.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I get these little love letters every day from a website that I LOVE called the Brave Girls Club.......this was the message I received today.....want to share it with you.........I encourage you to be VERY gentle with yourself today.....you deserve it and more dear.:flowerforyou: Dyanna
    p.s. I fall off the wagon alot, but I always crawl back on...you can too :smile:

    Dear Incredible Girl,

    When you've done all that you can do, and you still feel like you have so much further to go.....when you feel like all that you have to give still isn't nearly enough....when it seems that you will not be able to keep up everything that needs to be kept up for one minute longer....

    Stop and breathe.

    Look....really really look at what you are expecting of yourself.....

    You are an incredible girl...you are amazing and strong and brilliant.........but, friend...you are also a human being. You can not do it all....you can not always hold everything together perfectly and you can be perfectly composed every single day. It's ok to have "off" days...it's ok to feel weak...and overwhelmed and have meltdowns once in a while. It's ok. YOU are ok. Everything is going to be ok. It is.

    Let yourself have days to be a perfectly imperfect human being. Let yourself feel what you need to feel and process your life the way you need to process it. Let yourself BE.

    Bad days will pass, and overwhelm will dissolve and the sun will come up again tomorrow morning....just like it does every day. There will be a brand new sparking day waiting for you tomorrow....waiting for you to hold hands with all of the joy that it is offering.

    You are just right. You are doing great. You are fabulous!

    And you are very very very loved.

  • natzkj
    natzkj Posts: 127 Member
    if i fall off the wagon, i try to think on the postive side and say to my self '' its a fresh start tomorrow''
  • irishcanadianwoman

    "I will remember that falling down half a flight of steps is no reason to throw myself down the other half".

    I love that quote!
    Please don't throw yourself down the other half flight of steps.
    Good luck
  • grex1949
    grex1949 Posts: 130
    Start logging again, TODAY. Don't put it off. Write down everything you eat. You will get back in the saddle again because you will see what you are eating, and you won't like it.
    Also, get some exercise. If your plantar fasciitis is still bothering you, go swimming or do a pool workout. Work on your upper body and arms with some weights. Or, my favorite, do some rowing. That should not hurt your painful foot condition.
    You can do it; you've already proven that. You just need to get back on the wagon.
    Good luck!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    You know what to do... you just have to do it again. Sometimes it's hard to get started once you've gotten comfortable, but you know you'll feel better if you exercise and eat lots of fruits and veggies and yummy healthy foods :D

    Great job on what you did accomplish. Sorry, it really isn't any easier or harder than that: Just do it. We're here to help, but it's all on you, girlfrann.

    Good luck!