NSV's... I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours???

jms1985 Posts: 58 Member
NSV’s… Non-Scale Victories… we all have them! And sometimes, they are even better than the numbers on the scale! It's further validation that what we’re doing is WORKING. So in addition to the regular ‘ol things that go with losing weight, such as having to buy new clothes, I thought I’d make a list to reflect on some of my favorite NSV’s & ask you to share some of your own! I’ve lost a little over 60lbs so far so I have many, but these are some of my favs! Please don’t forget to share your own & the stories with them!

- Resizing my rings; I actually lost one because it was too big (but luckily I found it 3 months later!). I’m actually about due to resize them again. They aren’t falling off yet, but they constantly spin around so the gems are underneath. I bet if I shake my hands violently enough, they’d fling off. I’m not going to try for fear of looking like a monkey going into shock.

- I know I said buying new clothes doesn’t count, but I have to tell you… I was excited when I bought my first size smaller underwear! Hahaha. TMI? Oh well.

- Stepping on the Wii Fit, that girl finally said “Great!”! She will still say “Oooh” now & then, but it’s not every single time. I was beginning to wonder if she said anything other than “Oooh”.

- Sandals; I put on a pair of sandals last weekend that were from last season & they kept falling off my feet. So I tried another pair. Same problem. Holy crap, I think I lost weight in my feet?!

- Of course, when people start to notice. It took probably 40lbs before people I work with everyday started to notice & say anything. But also, I started my weight loss journey right when I started the job, so they were just getting used to me to begin with. Family & friends started to notice around 25-30 lbs.

- Seeing people you haven’t seen in awhile. Back in November, I got together with some old co-workers/amazing friends (that I missed DEARLY). Most of them I hadn’t seen in a year or more. It was GREAT hearing what they had to say. I was so proud of myself at this point. I was down around 50lbs (yeah, then the holidays came, I gained a bunch back, blahhh. But I’m back on track now!).

- My necklace; my wonderful boyfriend bought me a necklace on our 1 year anniversary (which is almost 5 years ago now!) that I wear just about every day (unless I randomly opt for some funky costume jewelry). I actually brought it to the jeweler after he gave it to me & ended up getting a longer chain for it because I didn’t like where the pendant fell (too high). Well... I’ve recently noticed that my necklace is starting to fall lower than where I want it to fall. Looks like I’ve lost some weight/inches in the neck/collar area.

- There was an instance where I went shopping & was going to “treat” myself to something fun with a gift card I received for Christmas… I didn’t have anything in mind… But maybe a new top, some costume jewelry, shoes, a purse, something… I ended up spending the entire gift card on workout clothes. When did that happen?!

- Lettuce. I used to only eat Iceberg. Don’t start harping on me about how it’s all water, blah blah blah. I just didn’t like anything else. Well, I’ve started opening up & now enjoy Romaine. Haha! I’m gonna count that as a NSV.

- I walked all of last Summer & would do a teeny tiny bit of running at night when it was dark (I was embarrassed). Now, I run. Several times a week. In the daylight. Someone mentioned just yesterday that they’ve been seeing me out jogging a lot (& this is someone who doesn’t even live where I run/jog, so for them to see me “a lot” is kinda a big deal, as they only see me when they come into town, and yet it’s still enough to be “a lot”). That was cool to me. This person told my boyfriend that he should watch after me as I’m out causing trouble… boyfriend said, “Oh, can you just run her over for me?”. Love you too, babe.

- Shopping (again); I’m bad at this, I’m breaking my own rules! I know I said buying new clothes doesn’t count, but I need to share this as well. I went shopping at the Outlets a few weeks ago with one of my BFF’s (& fellow MFP’er!) (who is also a skinny *****, but I love her anyway! <3 ;-) Generally speaking, big girls don’t get the good deals. It’s just not in the cards for us. While I still didn’t get any deals that were super fantastic, I did buy some new clothes & I’m happy to report they were all size Large. That makes me incredibly happy. And – those incredible deals would have been available to me (um, because they would have actually fit!)… I just didn’t find anything amazing enough that I actually liked & would wear.

- I also want to say that I purchased a size Medium top last month. Amazing. A Medium is SUPER rare, but the cut of the top made it possible. Okay, enough shopping/clothes!

- Parts of my body feel “different”. Okay, that sounds bad. My hands/wrists feel thin & bony. I still have fat hands & fingers (though not as fat – remember “rings”?), but they just feel different to me. Is that weird?

- I’ve had long hair for YEARS. I mean… YEARS. Like 10+. Eep. Part of it stemmed from when I was younger. I had decent length hair & I got a perm. My hair did not like said perm. I ended up having to cut my hair SUPER short. I hated it. And so I began growing my hair out LONG. I liked my long hair. I thought about cutting it a few times, but never did because it’s like a security blanket to me, and I was able to hide behind it. I’m to a point (finally) that I feel I’m able to go for a drastic cut (something more than “long layers”). It won’t be short. But maybe a medium length. I am planning on an appointment within the next 30 days. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m older & long hair just seems too young to me, or if it’s due to the newfound confidence. But I’m gonna roll with it. And if I hate it, it will grow back. Right? The biggest problem now is that I need to find a stylist. Because when you only go for a quick trim, it doesn’t really matter where you go. Whoever I go to, I hope they don’t suck, because I will be super disappointed if I hate it after all of this lol. This is only a partial NSV because I haven’t followed through yet, but the idea has popped into my head, so it’s NSV enough for me.

And there’s many, many more! But these are just some that have popped out to me in the past 13 months. I’m not to my goal yet, and I did take a little break from like mid October – mid January, but I am back on the wagon & not ready to give up!
Now it’s your turn! Please… share away!!


  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Put on a size 12 capri pants, this morning, and they fit perfectly!!!!! :)
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    Well, I'm so glad you said something about your shoes not fitting. Mine are falling off of me as we speak (or type). I thought they were just stretched out. Yeah, new shoes for me!!

    I'm going shopping at lunch to buy new uns and I am going to try those dreaded pair of jeans on again that were too tight in a size 10. I'm hoping that they will fit now in an 8.

    Ok, one more, my friend that I hadn't seen in months said to me the other day when I saw him, Stacy you look like you are going to shrivel up and blow away if you lose any more weight.

    Yeah for me!!
  • Sunscreenandsweat
    Sunscreenandsweat Posts: 190 Member
    Took my shirt off on a waterslide and went down in my bra and now stared at me like I was gross. =]
  • scaredofcoasters
    scaredofcoasters Posts: 90 Member
    Fit into Size 32 jeans for the first time in my life. I'll explain: The last time I was this thin, I was in 9th grade, so I was still getting junior's clothes (yeah, I'm a short guy). I'd always have to buy "Husky" or "Relaxed Fit" too, but yesterday I tried on "Regular Fit" jeans and a medium shirt, and they fit perfectly! I've got 15 - 25 pounds to go (depending on how I look at 160) and I can't imagine what I'll look like then. I'm so excited!
  • jms1985
    jms1985 Posts: 58 Member
    These are all so awesome, guys! And you're all inspirational to me!! NSV's really do rock... like I said, sometimes more than the number on the scale!! <3 it!
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