Counting Calories...


Is it me or is counting calorie really hard to do? I guess when you stop caring about your health counting calories go out the window. I am trying to get back into shape and now counting my calories. However my daily goal calorie intake seems extremely hard and at times i go over and beat myself up about it later when i step on the scale and there is no movement.

I was hoping some of you would have some insight or tips to helping me stay on track?




  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    Counting calories will become easier as time goes on. You need to find something that you can live with so maybe your daily goal is not right for you. There is a lot of information on here about eating more calories and still losing weight. You shouldn't beat yourself up for going over. It isn't an exact science so although you do your best to be accurate it isn't 100%. Think of it more of a range 200 below and 200 above. This is life and there will be days you eat more and one day won't derail you as long as you don't make it a habit. Stick with it and be patient.
  • Jenncoc86
    Jenncoc86 Posts: 203 Member
    you'll get use to it, it becomes second nature
  • macx2mommy
    macx2mommy Posts: 170 Member
    The counting part is the easy part for me.... it's staying in my target.

    Honestly, keep it in a range of 1400 min to a 1800 max, with a target of 1600. I try to eat 1400 is what I budget for, so when I hit my actuals which is usually around 1600, then it all works out. I don't think I could ever get it to the exact amount.
  • sid719e
    sid719e Posts: 47
    If you have a smartphone, use the app. It's so easy.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Counting calories will become easier with time. I find for me, I eat alot of the same thing so I know what my calories are or where I can have some wiggle room even if I am not logged into MFP. I know how much I am willing to 'spend' in calories at each meal to make it for the day and that helps too,. (ie 250-300 for breakfast, 150 snack, 300 lunch, 100 snack, 300 dinner, 100 snack)

    Stick with it, you will find it much easier!!

    I agree the MFP smartphone app rawks, much easier to log food.
  • bawalker11
    bawalker11 Posts: 78
    I broke up my daily allowance in to meals so if I go over for breakfast I know I need to cut down on lunch or dinner. Also creating meals in your food log is a great way to keep track and if I know I am going out to dinner during the week and there won't be a lot of low fat options I cut down during the week so I have"extra" calories at the end of the week, kind of like the weight watchers effect. If all else fails a menu for the week is a great way to plan out your calorie intake.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    Counting calories definitely is easier as time goes on, especially as most of eat a lot of the same foods. I also found it easier to add a lot of recipes, even something as simple as my spaghetti sauce since I add various vegies to my sauce. It took me about a month to find it super easy, now I have a general idea of most things and by planning my days, it is easier to eat more or less as needed. I also try and be honest and add my treats in as well.
  • Thank you all. You have some great suggestions I will begin to implement. Also thank you for the words of encouragement, I needed to hear that.
