No clue where to put this post at

christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
So several different things but it does have to do with health and fitness. I would love to go back to school and get a degree in nutrition science, but is there really a market for it? Where do I start? Can I do online courses are those really reputable or do I need to go to a traditional university? I'm not a spring chicken, but do feel this is something that I have found a passion for. I definitely believe that nutrition is key to better body & mind and for disease prevention in the future. However, I also believe that nutrition and food can be fun, practical and still taste awesome. Any ideas on where to start? Thanks yall!!!


  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    well, what is it that you want to do?

    personal trainer?
    personal chef?
    motivational speaker?
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    IDK how legit the site is, but here is a link that pretty much answers all of your questions.
  • Andilulu
    Andilulu Posts: 8 Member
    I've looked into that myself too. "Nutritionist" is not a regulated term, so really you could just say that you're one now. I'm not sure what your education background currently is, but there are lots of certification/certificate programs that you can take. How much do those certifications really mean???...questionable! The ADA regulates registered dieticians and dietetic techs, and a few colleges offer online courses. Check out for more info. Looking into what sorts of jobs you might be interested in, and what credentials they require might be a good start too.
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    Ali, I would like to do more with helping people prepare meal plans or possibly even meals that fit with their nutritional needs and help formulate and implement ways to include meeting their goals as a permanent lifestyle change. Phew..that was hard felt like I was answering a Ms. America question. I would love to do more with the fitness angle too, but I really do believe that nutrition is key for better health. Do I always live by that creed, no, but I definitely try.

    Thank ya kindly va-va-voom and Andilulu...researching both of your links now! So far not finding a lot in my area appears I may have online/distance courses.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    Ali, I would like to do more with helping people prepare meal plans or possibly even meals that fit with their nutritional needs and help formulate and implement ways to include meeting their goals as a permanent lifestyle change. Phew..that was hard felt like I was answering a Ms. America question. I would love to do more with the fitness angle too, but I really do believe that nutrition is key for better health. Do I always live by that creed, no, but I definitely try.

    Thank ya kindly va-va-voom and Andilulu...researching both of your links now! So far not finding a lot in my area appears I may have online/distance courses.

    Kaplan University had a link when I googled Nutritional Science. Try their website. :)