Rest Day?

Is a rest day a good idea?

I know it's a very silly question, but I only burn about 300 calories doing Jillian Michaels 'Banish fat boost metabolism' circuit training work out every single day - so should I still have one or two rest days in between?

I do feel very tired after the workout, for example I am not doing it today as my legs are too sore from being at work all day walking about...

Would it be a good idea on my rest day to fast or eat minimal calories?


  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    I'm not sure on how the 30DS is laid out, but I alternate couch-to-5k running and yoga/weight days with sunday being my 'rest' day. You don't want to work out the same muscle or muscle sets everyday because muscles do need some time to recover. You also want to make sure that if you work out your abs (for example) you work out your back and so forth for opposite muscle sets - it can reduce injuries and increase balance & performance.

    I use to do cross fit 2 days on, 1 day rest, 2 days on, then 2 day rest and for that I was always rather sore after every single work out (sometimes even sore going into the next day, or even after the rest). I was always careful not to over push myself, but those rest days were needed for me.

    Play around with it, and see what works best for you. As long as you are giving some time for your muscles to recover if they are sore, not over working them to the point of potential injury, and making sure you aren't strengthening only one part but not the other - I believe it will be fine.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I work out two days in a row (run one walk one) and then rest a day. Then I repeat. I get 5 days a week in this way and my body has enough time to rest. On days I don't work out, I eat what MFP tells me too. It's a lesser amount since I didn't burn any exercise calories.