Summer Challenge Group (Amazing results guaranteed!!)

I just wanted to let everyone know that we are starting a Summer Challenge group on May 28th that will last 60 days. Basically, the whole idea behind the group is FITNESS + NUTRITION + SUPPORT = SUCCESS! In the challenge, you will be doing a Beachbody program (such as P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire), eating a healthy diet, and be apart of a private facebook group that I am setting up for support from others that are doing the same things as you. You will post once a day in the group what workout you are doing for the day and what you are eating that day. I will help everyone with their nutrition and post tips periodically to help everyone out. I already have 10 brave souls committed to this group so hurry and grab your spot!


  • Stusser
    Stusser Posts: 3
    I am excited to be a part of this group. There are a few people in my workplace that have hown an interest in losing weight. I look at it this way, we are all in the middle of something that is holding us back. MFP is a great source of support and accoutability.
    I did this last summer nad lost 20lbs. I quit and sadly gained back 10 lbs. I lost 5 opf that and I am stuck. I know why. I have not been consistent on MFP and with the positive diet and exercise changes it was helping me track.
    I look forward to this. It gives me hope that I can be an example to others too.
  • coachbeav
    coachbeav Posts: 40 Member
    I am excited that you want to be apart of the group. The first step in succeeding is deciding and it seems like you have done that. Now all you have to do is commit to it and you will see success. I promise!