Starting Zumba need Competition

cmadiso2 Posts: 1 Member
I have just purchased the Zumba exhilarate DVD set. I am currently 186 pounds and would like to make it down into the 150's. I just turned 30 on the 13th and I really want to get in shape for me. I am 5'7" and need somene to help motivate me to be consistent with this. I have yoyo dieted for the last 7 seven years since my first child.


  • Stephcole22
    Stephcole22 Posts: 12
    OMG LOVE ZUMBA!!! It's soooo much fun, and you can burn up to 500-1000 calories per class! I started Zumba at a local school with an instructor loved it. But recently joined UFC gym and they have Zumba there I do that twice a week and then cardio other days. You are going to love it!! Keep it up!
    Add as a friend if you would like!!

  • Vplighter
    Vplighter Posts: 1
    You go Girl! wait - if your a guy - You go Bro LOL - yeah WE ALL NEED ENCOURAGEMENT - it does seem to make it easier.

    Heck if you where close enough I'd join you - I've always wanted to try - just did not want to be seen doing it - when every one else is so much slimmer.

    So let me know best way to encourage you!
  • :happy:
    you sound very similar to me. I also have been a yoyo dieter, Im hoping to be consistant and see good change overtime, I think in the past I've wanted quick results so I get on plans or diets that are not sustainable long term and then i end up gaining it back eventually. I am in my early 30's and have kids, and boy is it ever a challenge to find the old bod you used to know. Well, zumba sounds fun, my younger sister LOVES it. I think I may have to try it out!! Good luck to you starting out and keep in touch.
  • I can only hope you love Zumba as much as I do! I started with the DVDs at 471 pounds. I became an instructor at 350 pounds and am >< close to breaking in to the 200's a year in to being an instructor. If you even remotely like the DVDs please give going to a live class a chance. The energy and support you gain from the group classes makes it that much better.
    If I can stick with it my weight I have no doubt you'll rock it! :)
  • Stephcole22
    Stephcole22 Posts: 12
    hahaha I am girl! But I felt the same way, I was nervous trying it in public...but once your first class you would love it. it's super easy. You will get it after a couple of classes that's if you try it at a local class near you house. I just went on and looked for a class near me and there were so many. It's about $3-$5 a class. Try it!!! It's more fun with a lot of people...and it's all females.
  • fishejh
    fishejh Posts: 5 Member
    Dvd's are an awesome start, I love them and then I am now in classes 3 days a week and love that even more. Keep it up it will pay off!
  • tflores
    tflores Posts: 21 Member
    I have been wanting to try Zumba, I have heard it is fun and doesn't feel like you are working out. I have a Wii and considered buying the Wii version.
  • arelis0219
    arelis0219 Posts: 8
    I have the same DVD and am loving it..You wont believe the amount of energy you will have at the end of each workout..its amazing
  • Breezy415
    Breezy415 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm going to my first class tonight! I'm excited! :happy:
  • chi18
    chi18 Posts: 95 Member
    I just took my first class last week - so much fun! And a very hard workout. The good thing about it was that it moved so quickly I felt like no one was watching me so I stopped feeling nervous and self-conscious.

    For the rest of you who Zumba regularly - how do you log it on this site? I just joined but I didn't see Zumba listed in the exercises.
  • MrsORourke
    MrsORourke Posts: 315 Member
    I just ordered Zumba 2 for Wii. I've never done zumba before...I'm excited!

    Happy Zumbaing! :happy:
  • adrianswoman
    adrianswoman Posts: 5 Member
    I'm LITERALLY ADDICTED to ZUMBA!!!!! I bought Exhilarate too- I just started MFP two weeks ago this past Monday- and have exercised every single day- Done Zumba all but 2 of those days- Anyways- never in my life have I finished a workout and wanted to do it over again- I L-O-V-E it- and I HATE working out- It doesn't even feel like exercise!!! Best of luck to you!!!:smile::smile: :smile: :smile:
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    I love love love Zumba. I have the Wii Version and I go to Curves and do it 2x a week. They call it the Zumba Circuit. Its so much fun! I'd do it everyday if I could but I got 2 children and a hubby . work full time that makes it difficult. I would love to be an instrucytor but I love my current job way more. GO FOR IT. Its great for burning calories and getting that heart rate pumping without feeling like your exercising.
  • I love Zumba...been doing it for the past 3 years now in a 50 min class setting..and also in a faster paced 30 min lunch time setting. I also have it on my Wii but I prefer the classes so I can shake my booty! You will love it! It is so addicting.
  • sweetmelissa43
    sweetmelissa43 Posts: 6 Member
    I love Zumba on the Wii -- have been to an in person class one or twice and find the energy there is much more motivating. However, with my schedule, can't always make it to the class so the Wii offers the ability to do it whenever I want. Both are great options! :) Have fun with it!
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I just took my first class last week - so much fun! And a very hard workout. The good thing about it was that it moved so quickly I felt like no one was watching me so I stopped feeling nervous and self-conscious.

    For the rest of you who Zumba regularly - how do you log it on this site? I just joined but I didn't see Zumba listed in the exercises.
    Yeah it won't be actually listed. What you can do is go to that site and put in your information and it will give you an estimate. Best way to get a more accurate number is to buy a HRM!
  • britaut2
    britaut2 Posts: 19
    I love Zumba too, but how are you calculating the calories for Zumba? Are you using dance aerobic dancing? I don't want to shortchange myself.
  • trenai77
    trenai77 Posts: 10 Member
    I love Zumba! I have the first work out set, havent upgraded to the one you have yet. But I plan on getting in on a live class soon. I just have to decide to either join a gym or find some solo classes near my house. Trust me you will be addicted!
  • JEKramNY
    JEKramNY Posts: 1
    I love Zumba too, but how are you calculating the calories for Zumba? Are you using dance aerobic dancing? I don't want to shortchange myself.

    Thanks for asking this, I am wondering the same thing. I love Zumba!!
  • When I teach I use Teaching Aerobic Class and the claories fall pretty closely in line with my BodyBugg. If not I split between Aerobics general and Aerobics Vigerous. That also tends to fall in line pretty closely.