NSV-Finally jogged 1 mile..

Trostlegirl Posts: 91 Member
Super excited because I have not been able to jog a mile in a few years. I still jog very slow..(12:00) mile, but hey, I jogged the whole thing and that's step one right? I actually jogged the full mile last week and then today beat my time by 30 secs, so I was very happy!

For all the runners out there who started slowly, where do I go from here? I would love to run a 5K, but do I focus on getting up my speed or just distance?

Thanks for any advice!


  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    Congrats on the mile. I ran a 5k a few years ago but haven't done one recently. I focused on being able to jog for 5k (3.1 miles) consistently be fore worrying about how quickly I was able to run it.

    Best of luck!
  • Trostlegirl
    Trostlegirl Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks....seems like a good plan. Going to try to work my way up. Slow and steady, right? : )
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    way to go!! i'm only in week 3 of c25k at the moment so i can only do 3 minutes of jogging (12 minute mile). i'm not there yet but your post is encouraging!
  • kaciroberts1585
    kaciroberts1585 Posts: 53 Member
    Way to go! I hit my 1 mile a couple of days ago and that was such a great feeling! Keep it up. :)
  • Trostlegirl
    Trostlegirl Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks guys! I wasn't going to say this but I might as well share. I was super excited last week and shared my momentous victory with my husband (Mr. I can not run for a year and walk outside and easily run 2 miles). Now, he was very supportive and told me congrats, yada, yada....but then when I get home that night, he said, I'm kind of surprised. You could tell he knew he should not have gone down this road, but then proceeds to say that since I have been working out 3 months, he was very surpised 1 mile was still something harder to tackle for me.

    Is it just me, or do you also feel like running is just in a whole different ballpark of endurance and exercise. I have never been a runner..so yes, even after 3 months, (which I have not been running really, but definitely cardio), is still hard.
  • nphillips0124
    I always get defensive when people call a 12:00 mile slow. That's my pace for any outdoor run with hills, dangit, and to me that's fast!
  • AlexandraR2011
    AlexandraR2011 Posts: 114 Member
    My miles are around 12 minutes. Its a good pace! My goal is a 5k also and I tried doing the speed mile but it didn't help distance wise. I now focus on keeping my space and can hit about 2.5 miles right under 30 minutes. I alternate days since HIT training is effective (sprint-jog-sprint-jog) So I run my long distance 3 times a week. Good luck and congrats!
  • bnaile
    bnaile Posts: 39 Member
    Way to go! Running is a great way to burn those calories. Don't worry about pace but just slowly work up your distance. I am excited for you.
  • Trostlegirl
    Trostlegirl Posts: 91 Member
    Ah...I don't mean 12:00 is slow to me. I think I always compare my time to my husband, or others I know that hope on the treadmill and knock out a 10:00 minute mile like they are walking. I just know that when we go out running in a group at work, I usually get passed, and thats ok by me.

    If I could run a full 5k at a 12:00 min mile pace, I would be stoked!
  • pinklily905
    pinklily905 Posts: 106 Member
    Congrats!! I'm just starting out and can't wait to be able to do a mile!
  • Trostlegirl
    Trostlegirl Posts: 91 Member
    Congrats!! I'm just starting out and can't wait to be able to do a mile!

    Keep it up! So glad I have MFP pals in the same boat as me. Running is hard....but oh so great when we achieve those little milestones.
  • lmroessler
    lmroessler Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks guys! I wasn't going to say this but I might as well share. I was super excited last week and shared my momentous victory with my husband (Mr. I can not run for a year and walk outside and easily run 2 miles). Now, he was very supportive and told me congrats, yada, yada....but then when I get home that night, he said, I'm kind of surprised. You could tell he knew he should not have gone down this road, but then proceeds to say that since I have been working out 3 months, he was very surpised 1 mile was still something harder to tackle for me.

    Is it just me, or do you also feel like running is just in a whole different ballpark of endurance and exercise. I have never been a runner..so yes, even after 3 months, (which I have not been running really, but definitely cardio), is still hard.

    I am with you. My husband is trying to be supportive of my running but I know he thinks it's a bit of a "joke" that I have a hard time running. I've just started C25K and I waited a few days to tell him because I didn't want to hear Mr. Army "I used to run 22 miles with a 100 pound ruck sack on my back..." blah blah blah. I can spin, step aerobicize, elliptical machine the day away, but yes, running is definitely in a different ballpark and I'm hoping I can stick with it.
  • barbaradilisio
    Awesome! I'm trying to do a 5K as well. I've never been a runner, but everyday I try to add on a minute to my run. I'm starting out slowly, but will work my way up eventually,
  • Trostlegirl
    Trostlegirl Posts: 91 Member
    Totall made me laugh. "Mr. Army "I used to run 22 miles with a 100 pound ruck sack on my back..." blah blah blah"

    Why oh why is it so easy for them?
  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    Way to go! I've been working out pretty hard for the past 5 months and still can't manage to jog more than 3 minutes at a time (1hr on an elliptical or walking on inclines no problem). It's a whole different kind of endurance. I've never been a runner, but I can tell you, when I can manage a mile I'll be dancing in the streets.
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Congrats! It feels great when you can run a whole mile. I just got to being able to run about 2 miles. I'm pretty slow but I don't care. I love how I feel after a run. I wouldn't worry about speed yet, that will probably come naturally.
  • Lisdol
    Lisdol Posts: 22 Member
    congrats! i signed up for a 5k at the end of july as motivation to start running. i've never been a runner but i'm doing my best!!
  • lmroessler
    lmroessler Posts: 29 Member
    Totall made me laugh. "Mr. Army "I used to run 22 miles with a 100 pound ruck sack on my back..." blah blah blah"

    Why oh why is it so easy for them?

    Wish I knew. We were just saying yesterday how we'd both like to lose about 10 pounds. I told him it would be easy for him and he agreed that all he really needed to do was take the dog for a walk every day and quit eating fried foods. If it were that easy for me I'd be skinny as a rail! But we will get there, right?
  • Trostlegirl
    Trostlegirl Posts: 91 Member
    Totall made me laugh. "Mr. Army "I used to run 22 miles with a 100 pound ruck sack on my back..." blah blah blah"

    Why oh why is it so easy for them?

    Wish I knew. We were just saying yesterday how we'd both like to lose about 10 pounds. I told him it would be easy for him and he agreed that all he really needed to do was take the dog for a walk every day and quit eating fried foods. If it were that easy for me I'd be skinny as a rail! But we will get there, right?

    Grrrrrrr...my husband is the same way. I have literally brought home 2 Dominoes Pizza's before and before we even sit down, while I am putting stuff way, he has eaten the entire medium pizza! Who does that and does not gain weight? Seriously..I wanted to slap him.

    Yes, we will get there. Honestly, MFP and working out with a program at work has been just awesome in helping me get to my goal.
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