veggie straws/veggie chips....

dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
does anyone know if they are a good substitute for KIDS for snacks or in place of raw veggies (that my 3 year old won't touch) ??


  • mollyonamission
    mollyonamission Posts: 268 Member
    I give them to my 2 year old and also freeze dried fruits just check out the ingredients
  • ritmeyer
    ritmeyer Posts: 136 Member
    Sure, but they are still chips. Just better than regular chips. I have them as a treat for my kids when I instruct my stroller fitness class, otherwise they get fruits & veggies or peanut butter or hummus on wheat crackers for snacks. I certainly wouldn't say they are a good substitute for veggies, but a substitute for chips.
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    my older 2 ( now 15 & 14) L*O*V*E*D* fresh fruit and veggies as kids but my 3 year old is stuck on grapes,& bananas. (and a few canned veggies) but THATS IT!
    he wont do any of the FRESH kinds ...I try and continue to try to get him to eat any other kinds of fresh fruits AND veggies...he just will not eat it...he'd rather SKIP his snack and leave it there on the table then to eat it... *sigh* so working ANY fruits or veggies in his diet in ANY form is a plus... I tried the v8 fusion today and he drank it so fast it made my head spin... i am one happy mommy about that...