Hey, newbie here as well :)

Hey everyone, just wanted to introduce myself. I've been doing this for a bit, but never really gave the community a second glance, until I saw the amazing support and helpful advice that everyone seems so willing to give. So I figured I'd give it a shot and introduce myself :) I'm 6'0, and currently 187 lbs (which seems to fluctuate like mad). I used to be very fit, around 170 lbs and could run and do all that jazz. But, as luck would have it, I had a brain tumor, and the steroids that they gave me after it was removed made me balloon and ruined my metabolism.

So, I'm on the slow track back. Or at least I'd like to think so. I weighed in at 215 pounds before Thanksgiving of 2011 (and I'm pretty sure it was all body fat). I only joined this a couple months ago after signing up for kickboxing and doing light lifting. Now I've ditched the kickboxing (no time) for interval training and consistent lifting, but it's really hard to keep going. I think I need people to tell me I can do this; my meds slow down my metabolism, and my weight just shifts so easily.

But anyway, I'll stop. Looking forward to meeting some now people here. Cheers.