
Hello, I have been on this for about a week and can really tell a difference. I try to walk atleast 30 a night but want to start working on my stomach as well, however I cannot do a situp to save my life!!! It isn't from laziness I just physically cannot do it yet. Any suggestions on how to work up to a crunch or any other activities I can do to work my abdomen??


  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Try laying on your back on the floor, putting your feet so the insides of your ankles are touching, and then lifting your legs off the ground about a foot and holding that there. The closer you hold your legs to the ground, the more challenging! Good luck :bigsmile:
  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    oh my gosh, 6-inches! i hate those things! they work though. my sister had to do them for swimming and she made me do her dry workouts with her - it was hard stuff!!!!
  • radtech
    radtech Posts: 20
    Thanks! I am goin to def. try this.
  • SallyAnn
    SallyAnn Posts: 43
    Your profile did not indicate if you have had kids. If you may want to get your doc to check your ab muscles to ensure they have healed properly.

    Other suggestions....

    - Place a broom stick across your shoulders. Hold on to the broom stick and slowly twist to each side. The key is slowly. (works you obliques)

    - Try putting your feet on the couch @ a 90 deg angle (you are on the floor) and lift up as far as you can and hold it for 5-10 sec. Do not pull on your neck.

    Remember the turtle wins the race......slow and steady progress wil get you to your goal/
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Here are some other ab exercises:
  • radtech
    radtech Posts: 20
    Nope no kids for me yet.. Thank you all for all the great suggestions. Im sure these will all work to help make my core stronger.