Inexcusable culture



  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Another issue is the fact that Americans are so germaphobic. Everything has to be pasurized, bleached, processed and prepackaged to protect us from dirt and germs. I live in rural VT and it is against the law for farmers to sell more than a couple of gallons of fresh, unpasturized milk. So, even if I live right next door to a farmer, he will get in trouble for letting me take milk that might have germs in it! I do think that the "system" is afraid that too much of the milk (just using milk as an example) will become "unregulated." Another thing, the prices being paid to the farmers are lower than they have been since the '50's, but we consumers still pay nearly $4 for a gallon at the grocery store. In a perfect world, we could buy from the farmer for a fraction of the cost in the store, and he would get a more fair price than he does now! Small family farms are going out of business left and right, and the choices are getting fewer and fewer for buying locally grown, healthy, unprocessed, and yes, maybe a little bit dirty, food! :mad:

    I just re-read, and it seems like a rant, and maybe slightly off topic, so my apologies! :embarassed:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I don't think anyone is to blame for your choices other than you. We all have brains and must use them. I think we are smarter than the ads we see on tv. We don't have to eat what they are selling....unless we want to. This is still a country where you are allowed to make choices. The problem is when people make bad choices rather than blame themselves they look for a scapegoat. (I ate every meal at Mcdonalds, supersized it and now I am fat therefore I must sue Mcdonalds.....I put hot coffee between my legs and it spilled and I got burned now I need to blame somebody because it was not my fault) There are examples of this every day. Even our government officials blame others until not one of them can tell fact from fiction anymore. If our leaders cannot stand up and take responsibility for their actions why should we.

    I don't see our culture as inexcusable I think we use too many excuses. Instead we need to take responsibility for our actions and choices and learn from them, or continue doing them. It is a free country and we are allowed to make choices, as long as they do not break our laws. I may not agree with your choices and you may not agree with mine but that is what makes us unique and not the same as everyone else.
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    I just got a message from Tyler Derden.... he says you all have broken Rule #1.

    "First rule of Fight Club don't talk about Fight Club"
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    How do they define "lifestyle" choice, though?
    That's what I want to know. Depending on how you define it, you could end up with practically every disease known to man and all accidents as being caused by lifestyle.

    The 80% statistic is based on only exercise and nutrition. So, in todays culture 80% of all deaths in America is largely a result of nutrition and exercise choices, or lack there of. Diseases and illnesses are largely cultivated through nutrient deficiencies. Nutrient deficiencies can lead to any number of illnesses and diseases in the book. Increasing sedentary life styles exacerbate the natural aging process and further inhibits our bodies natural tendencies to recovery ,fight off illness, and prevent illness and disease.

    It is very rare in our country, today, to hear of someone dying of old age peacefully in their sleep. Most of us are robbing ourselves of a higher quality life and of a more peaceful and more dignified death. This is also a huge emotional burden on surrounding loved ones who have to witness a less than peaceful death. Our health crises in America is also a HUGE contributing factor to our over all economic situation not just in health care. Billions of dollars spent on what could have been prevented through nutrition and exercise per one city in fact.
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    i doubt the validity of this study, and the idea that these are 'choices' is so confouded with other variables. i know people are dumb and make poor choices, we all have, we all do, and we all will continue to do so in the future, but 80%? someone may be using drugs and get killed in a car accident that was never their fault. 80% is too high for me to find that credible, maybe i just don't want to believe it though. i dunno. interesting to think about though.

    Im sure there is a margin of error. If you follow studies at all then you know the significance level is going to be within a .5% margin of error or it would not have been published. I'm not sure if these findings can be found online I only know of them in academic text book publishings. ACSM and ACE are the two that I know of.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I would have to think that smoking and old age cause more than just 20%
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    and yes our country wants to kill us.....and the media brainwashes us....and its a man's world where women are forced to be competitive more and more...we are all forced to dress up like porn stars and prance around men so they can pick us...screw that..screw ppl that r tryin to kill me with their food..and their pills...i never take pills...i take childrens vitamins..i dont trust anyone..and if you were smart you wouldnt either!

    The media and the government may or may not be trying to brain wash us who knows, I wouldnt put it past them. But, it is still a free country. If you believe "they" are trying to brain wash you then it is up to you to not be naive.

    As far as your belief on, its all how you are raised... Sure most of us grow into how we were raised but even that is still a choice. Some people have STRONGER character than others and a stronger sense of individual identity. Our great opportunist nation has plenty of rags to riches success stories. People pull themselves up by their own boot straps all the time in our great country even against great odds! Most people do not. Either way it's a choice. The opportunities are out there. If you dont like where you are at right now then change your personal philosophies to change everything for your future regardless of how you were brought up. I'm not pointing you out specifically, just speaking in general terms.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Another issue is the fact that Americans are so germaphobic. Everything has to be pasurized, bleached, processed and prepackaged to protect us from dirt and germs. I live in rural VT and it is against the law for farmers to sell more than a couple of gallons of fresh, unpasturized milk. So, even if I live right next door to a farmer, he will get in trouble for letting me take milk that might have germs in it! I do think that the "system" is afraid that too much of the milk (just using milk as an example) will become "unregulated." Another thing, the prices being paid to the farmers are lower than they have been since the '50's, but we consumers still pay nearly $4 for a gallon at the grocery store. In a perfect world, we could buy from the farmer for a fraction of the cost in the store, and he would get a more fair price than he does now! Small family farms are going out of business left and right, and the choices are getting fewer and fewer for buying locally grown, healthy, unprocessed, and yes, maybe a little bit dirty, food! :mad:

    I just re-read, and it seems like a rant, and maybe slightly off topic, so my apologies! :embarassed:

    I agree, but who says that everything has to be homogenized and pasteurized............The government says so.

    I buy raw milk, raw yogurt, cheese, butter, heavy cream, eggs - straight from a farm. I also go to the farmers market and my neighborhood coop for all of my groceries. I purchase grass fed beef, free range chicken and pork from another farm so I know there are no hormones and antibiotics in my meat................That stuff is unnecessary, but the government says it is.............

    And whomever said that hot dogs, frozen pizza will not hurt you???? Yes, it will. It is full of nitrates and nitrites, which are known carcinogens and then cancer feeds off sugar, which most Americans are so addicted to.

    Sugar is in everything - things that sugar does not belong in. I don't need sugar in my mayonnaise, salad dressings, is even in cigarettes.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I think the movie Wally said it all! The humans ride around in chairs and never take there eyes off the TV screen, all over weight, slurpy sucking waste of life forms.

    But instead of *****ing about it why not go talk at a local school about healthy food choices. Support the local farmers, write to congress about the lack of water to go to farms, ect.

    My kids have quite a few friends who wont eat at my house because we serve fruit and veggies for snacks and if they don't eat the fruit or veggies they don't eat. Once a boy asked me where are the frozen pizzas, I told him he could have carrots or an apple and he laughed! He thought that I was kidding, that made me sad. He said he didn't think that carrots looked tasty! He had never eaten a carrot before! He can however, tell you ever kind of pizza that Round Table serves! :cry:
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    I think the movie Wally said it all! The humans ride around in chairs and never take there eyes off the TV screen, all over weight, slurpy sucking waste of life forms.

    But instead of *****ing about it why not go talk at a local school about healthy food choices. Support the local farmers, write to congress about the lack of water to go to farms, ect.

    My kids have quite a few friends who wont eat at my house because we serve fruit and veggies for snacks and if they don't eat the fruit or veggies they don't eat. Once a boy asked me where are the frozen pizzas, I told him he could have carrots or an apple and he laughed! He thought that I was kidding, that made me sad. He said he didn't think that carrots looked tasty! He had never eaten a carrot before! He can however, tell you ever kind of pizza that Round Table serves! :cry:

    My mom ran a small daycare when I was growing up. She had them kids convinced that crackers were cookies. hahahaha, now thats manipulation if I've ever heard of it.

    p.s. I had pizza sunday night.
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    I think the movie Wally said it all! The humans ride around in chairs and never take there eyes off the TV screen, all over weight, slurpy sucking waste of life forms.

    But instead of *****ing about it why not go talk at a local school about healthy food choices. Support the local farmers, write to congress about the lack of water to go to farms, ect.

    My kids have quite a few friends who wont eat at my house because we serve fruit and veggies for snacks and if they don't eat the fruit or veggies they don't eat. Once a boy asked me where are the frozen pizzas, I told him he could have carrots or an apple and he laughed! He thought that I was kidding, that made me sad. He said he didn't think that carrots looked tasty! He had never eaten a carrot before! He can however, tell you ever kind of pizza that Round Table serves! :cry:

    Right on! Im an independent beachbody coach and I'm proud to say I have a huge growing team of people I help live healthier lives :) That's something worth catching on like wild fire. In our bubble gum culture all it takes is for something to be "in" and most people will do it. But I personally rather help people for the right reasons more so than for a popularity contest.

    Sad about kids whos parents don't teach them how to live a healthy life. Some of those kids will learn on their own and live a healthier life but most of them will duplicate how they were raised and continue to raise their kids the same way. It is incredibly sad.
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    p.s. I had pizza sunday night.

    mmm... I LOVE Pizza. I love Burgers to :) There is a nutritious way to make both items and tell you the truth they are FAR more satisfying when its all whole food. Check out my Tommy Omnivorous burger in my blog, bottom most post: I need to add pizza in their soon. There are actually a lot of tasty nutritious ways to make pizza.
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    p.s. I had pizza sunday night.

    mmm... I LOVE Pizza. I love Burgers to :) There is a nutritious way to make both items and tell you the truth they are FAR more satisfying when its all whole food. Check out my Tommy Omnivorous burger in my blog, bottom most post: I need to add pizza in their soon. There are actually a lot of tasty nutritious ways to make pizza.

    Word. My wife makes a whole-wheat pizza. Makes the crust from scratch. We use turkey sausage and low-fat cheese. Basically a taco pizza with fresh veggies ontop. Its amazing.
  • twotongal
    twotongal Posts: 12
    Japan when they first made planes to enter the national market found Americans were not booking with their airlines.
    After a study they had to re do the seats we would not fit in the ones made to fit a behind of adverage size set by world nat.

    How to make a Japan car designer laugh, just say 64 oz cup holder to them.
    For America only they had to change the cup holder from 6 oz and 12 oz to American size 64 oz.

    And none of this I have more, has made America wake up.

    England and France have jokes, we may have long winding roads and stuffy old pubs but in America they have fast food on every corner!

    You can try and blame tv gov. and the faze of the moon, but there will always be a bridge for sale.

    I came to realize a lot about Americans as I started to hammer down on getting fit, I changed my life all the way around and got slapped for it by people.

    I called my cable company to cancel my cable after my bill cycle, simple right?
    I was getting too active to be home and watch it and at the price, I could buy the series I liked for a 1/3 rd of the price..

    over a half hour on the phone the worker tells me no one cancels tv!
    I had the distrect manager on my door not a month later telling me I had to sign up as I need cable not just internet.
    He came three times, the trucks were parked by our pole for weeks till I said I would file a complaint, he just knew I was stealing cable cause no one has ever canceled tv.

    So I later made another change, any store within 3 miles of me I will walk to and leave the car at home.
    This will help me not only get fit but shop wiser as car trip to Sam's is only once a month now.
    I must walk if I want something bad enough. ( 2 liter soda fell off the list back when I was carrin the bags, just not worth it)

    I bought a shopping buggie aka granny cart, I did one month of carrin the items, I came to know I am no xena of pack muling it.

    I can only go out with it in the mornings, too many people yelling at me from cars about it sucks to be poor don't it? to hey did the monthly check not cover the bus? more was said but you get the pic.

    I thought it was just some people till I went to the hardware store well known chain, to price a rug shampooer a friend of my hubbies needed one and I did not want to loan him mine, I sort of knew the mess and so not going into my machine, it was next to grocery store so popped in, ask about delivery as I wanted to make sure it got there, well before i could say he would drive it back so just one way she comes out with the housing units are not 1/4 mile from here, boss makes deals to yous in the units all while looking at my shopping buggie. Not racist but assuming I was too poor to own a car with having a granny buggie.

    No one to date has ever thought my buggie is for fitness, that I choose to use it instead of the car.

    We here have made it so the people themselves accept lack of will as a norm. Any effort to anything is viewed as odd behavior.

    I have heard people say I was nuts to walk take the car as your icie will melt that way, 1x a month i get an ice drink 227 cal. I will walk to it and walk back every time.

    It is sad people accept an unhealthy way of life, but here it is norm.
    In America the people make it hard for anyone to do something for fitness, I felt like giving up my cart many times, but my health is worth the "experience" sort of, from others I get by using it.

  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i doubt the validity of this study, and the idea that these are 'choices' is so confouded with other variables. i know people are dumb and make poor choices, we all have, we all do, and we all will continue to do so in the future, but 80%? someone may be using drugs and get killed in a car accident that was never their fault. 80% is too high for me to find that credible, maybe i just don't want to believe it though. i dunno. interesting to think about though.

    Im sure there is a margin of error. If you follow studies at all then you know the significance level is going to be within a .5% margin of error or it would not have been published. I'm not sure if these findings can be found online I only know of them in academic text book publishings. ACSM and ACE are the two that I know of.

    did you take stats, it sounds like you took stats? im in the behavioural sciences and that is why i am nit picking. i read your other post saying that it is soley nutiriotional and exercise areas...and that diseases are reasons for this. but at the same time, there are other reasons, these scientists would NEVER be able to figure out each cause. no way man!:tongue:
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    Japan when they first made planes to enter the national market found Americans were not booking with their airlines.
    After a study they had to re do the seats we would not fit in the ones made to fit a behind of adverage size set by world nat.

    How to make a Japan car designer laugh, just say 64 oz cup holder to them.
    For America only they had to change the cup holder from 6 oz and 12 oz to American size 64 oz.

    And none of this I have more, has made America wake up.

    England and France have jokes, we may have long winding roads and stuffy old pubs but in America they have fast food on every corner!

    You can try and blame tv gov. and the faze of the moon, but there will always be a bridge for sale.

    I came to realize a lot about Americans as I started to hammer down on getting fit, I changed my life all the way around and got slapped for it by people.

    I called my cable company to cancel my cable after my bill cycle, simple right?
    I was getting too active to be home and watch it and at the price, I could buy the series I liked for a 1/3 rd of the price..

    over a half hour on the phone the worker tells me no one cancels tv!
    I had the distrect manager on my door not a month later telling me I had to sign up as I need cable not just internet.
    He came three times, the trucks were parked by our pole for weeks till I said I would file a complaint, he just knew I was stealing cable cause no one has ever canceled tv.

    So I later made another change, any store within 3 miles of me I will walk to and leave the car at home.
    This will help me not only get fit but shop wiser as car trip to Sam's is only once a month now.
    I must walk if I want something bad enough. ( 2 liter soda fell off the list back when I was carrin the bags, just not worth it)

    I bought a shopping buggie aka granny cart, I did one month of carrin the items, I came to know I am no xena of pack muling it.

    I can only go out with it in the mornings, too many people yelling at me from cars about it sucks to be poor don't it? to hey did the monthly check not cover the bus? more was said but you get the pic.

    I thought it was just some people till I went to the hardware store well known chain, to price a rug shampooer a friend of my hubbies needed one and I did not want to loan him mine, I sort of knew the mess and so not going into my machine, it was next to grocery store so popped in, ask about delivery as I wanted to make sure it got there, well before i could say he would drive it back so just one way she comes out with the housing units are not 1/4 mile from here, boss makes deals to yous in the units all while looking at my shopping buggie. Not racist but assuming I was too poor to own a car with having a granny buggie.

    No one to date has ever thought my buggie is for fitness, that I choose to use it instead of the car.

    We here have made it so the people themselves accept lack of will as a norm. Any effort to anything is viewed as odd behavior.

    I have heard people say I was nuts to walk take the car as your icie will melt that way, 1x a month i get an ice drink 227 cal. I will walk to it and walk back every time.

    It is sad people accept an unhealthy way of life, but here it is norm.
    In America the people make it hard for anyone to do something for fitness, I felt like giving up my cart many times, but my health is worth the "experience" sort of, from others I get by using it.


    ummmm..... what?
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I know. It is sad how many people are in ill health because of their own poor lifestyle choices. I was one of them...I would mistreat my body so bad and paid the price.

    It really is amazing that as soon as you do treat your body right through healthy food and exercise(no starving or diet pills or anything like that), it doesn't hold a grudge and rewards you. :wink:
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    i doubt the validity of this study, and the idea that these are 'choices' is so confouded with other variables. i know people are dumb and make poor choices, we all have, we all do, and we all will continue to do so in the future, but 80%? someone may be using drugs and get killed in a car accident that was never their fault. 80% is too high for me to find that credible, maybe i just don't want to believe it though. i dunno. interesting to think about though.

    Im sure there is a margin of error. If you follow studies at all then you know the significance level is going to be within a .5% margin of error or it would not have been published. I'm not sure if these findings can be found online I only know of them in academic text book publishings. ACSM and ACE are the two that I know of.

    did you take stats, it sounds like you took stats? im in the behavioural sciences and that is why i am nit picking. i read your other post saying that it is soley nutiriotional and exercise areas...and that diseases are reasons for this. but at the same time, there are other reasons, these scientists would NEVER be able to figure out each cause. no way man!:tongue:

    I cited a stat but I didnt take a statistics class if that is what you are asking. I learned about procedural sciences and research in my various social science classes.

    OH god no there are over 300 million people in this country. I dont know how many of them are adults, but definitely not possible to know each and every case.
  • metalpalace
    metalpalace Posts: 576
    I know. It is sad how many people are in ill health because of their own poor lifestyle choices. I was one of them...I would mistreat my body so bad and paid the price.

    It really is amazing that as soon as you do treat your body right through healthy food and exercise(no starving or diet pills or anything like that), it doesn't hold a grudge and rewards you. :wink:

    Before August of 07 I was the same. Never going back to that place! I was always interested in bettering myself. Once I actively sought out the knowledge and was more concerned with learning to become independently healthy instead of just arbitrarily going through some motions I really took off :)
  • GetFitBy2010
    Don't take your kids to fast food. DO NOT let them play in fast food facility playground.
    1) They get use to the taste of fast food.
    2) When they grown up, they associate Mcdonals as good time with their parent so they like to eat their.

    Don't take your car for a 15 minutes errands. I used to be skinny when I don't have a car.
    Summer is here. It's time to take a walk, ride bike. Leave the car home, save money, good for environment.