Anyone Else not Lost since Joining??



  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    woah my BMR is 1485 and my BMR is 2120!!! How the hell am i supposed to eat 2120 calories a day when i only eat 1200!! :laugh:
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    I think perhaps you're not eating enough at 1200 calories, your body might be thinking it's in 'starvation mode' and holding onto everything it gets. Be honest too with your logging, I know I feel soo guilty still when I go over, but I try to make a point of logging it as well - even if you're not keeping an accurate food journal, your body still is, right? Keep in mind too with being a woman, we very often fluctuate within a couple of pounds when on our 'time of the month'. I never used to watch that before, but I remember this one week I didn't lose weight and kind of panicked - it also happened to be my T.O.M. The next week I weighed in, was down almost 3lbs! Part of it is usually the water weight that is retained. How often do you weigh in? I myself find once a week is ideal - I try to weigh in on the same time of the same day of the week, it typically happens that our bodies will fluctuate within a couple pounds on a day to do basis due to water/food/etc. And yes to measurements! You could likely just be toning up really well... most important, don't give up! :smile:

    I weighed every day!! Made a pact not to weigh until 1st June to try and break the habit
  • Zandia_1
    Zandia_1 Posts: 183 Member
    Bumping for reference.