Quitting your job to travel -- anyone do it?



  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    I packed up my life into a suitcase, sold everything else and left the UK to travel and see the world. That was 12 years ago, and I'm still at it. I have lived in Bahrain, Dubai, Canada, Australia, and have currently been in the U.S for the last 2 years.

    Looking back, I remember a cold and rainy day in England, looking out the window and thinking "I don't want to look back and think "What if?""

    I've enjoyed it, had a lot of fun, met a lot of people, have some awesome memories, and am still going...

    Love it ! hats off to you mate !
    so awesome
  • jac264
    jac264 Posts: 86 Member
    Thank you everyone so far for their responses. Truly inspiring and its so amazing to hear from people who have done it.

    I look forward to embarking on my journey - I'm thinking one year from now and judging by the fact that it's already May, that year will go fast!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I quit college for a year to travel.
    I'd say if you love it - keep going! It sounds like an absolute blast. Have you ever considered peace corps or an association like that?
  • Mctree20
    Mctree20 Posts: 137
    Question for those who have done something like this - what do you do with all your stuff? Do you store it, or do you get rid of everything? Car, clothes, pots/pans, computer, etc.??

    I sold everything, I literally had one suitcase and a backpack. Right now I could still get my entire life into 3 boxes. In fact most of it is still in 2 boxes as I never got round to unpacking!
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    I quit my traveling job to not travel. For 5 years, I worked away from home 300+ days a year and was only home for 5 days at a time every couple months. Worked in almost every state, every small town, every big town. Stayed in sooo many hotels from super nice to horrific. Logged lots of driving through rain, snow, dust storms, and sun. I had enough and still dislike traveling.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Question for those who have done something like this - what do you do with all your stuff? Do you store it, or do you get rid of everything? Car, clothes, pots/pans, computer, etc.??

    Craigslist is a wonderful thing :P
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I sold everything, I literally had one suitcase and a backpack. Right now I could still get my entire life into 3 boxes. In fact most of it is still in 2 boxes as I never got round to unpacking!

    In a way it's a liberating feeling, isn't it?
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    I've also thought about embarking on a life like this, but I have so many belongings that have sentimental value and no good place to store them, and I just bought a new car that I adore. Too bad because I despise my job and I am single with no responsibilities other than myself. Must not be the right time for me (or lifestyle?). I flew to Taiwan alone in 2010 (I knew someone there, just went on the plane alone) and after a 15-hr. flight to get there, I was ready to stab someone in the eye. LOL
  • jac264
    jac264 Posts: 86 Member
    I've also thought about embarking on a life like this, but I have so many belongings that have sentimental value and no good place to store them, and I just bought a new car that I adore. Too bad because I despise my job and I am single with no responsibilities other than myself. Must not be the right time for me (or lifestyle?). I flew to Taiwan alone in 2010 (I knew someone there, just went on the plane alone) and after a 15-hr. flight to get there, I was ready to stab someone in the eye. LOL

    Haha I just sold my car. And I think I could sell all my furniture and just put a few boxes in storage if I left. I have too much stuff, trying to get rid of it! It helps that I've already moved across the country once!
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    Go! Just do it while you can and while you are young enough to enjoy it and not have to worry about responsibilities you might have in future...
    Right after university I taught English in South Korea for nearly 6 years and travelled all over Asia. While it is still hard to adjust to life here now sometimes (taxes and mortgage payments suck), I don't regret a second of being there.
    I LOVED not being burdened with possessions and being able to live out of a backpack when I needed to.

    If I didn't have a boyfriend and a dog, I'd probably be gone again!
  • laurcampbell
    laurcampbell Posts: 54 Member
    You need to do this for you - it sounds like this is what you really want and that if you don't just go for it you will regret it. I did a fair bit of traveling when I was in college down under in Australia / New Zealand and Fiji - if it weren't for the fact that I played lacrosse for my University I probably would never have gone back in the first place - I promised myself that I would get back there and it has been 8 years now and now I am married and have two puppies (dont get me wrong I adore my husband and puppies and am sooo grateful for them and our life together) but there is a huge part of me that regrets not staying or not going back right after graduation, I am now left with "what ifs" - dont do that to yourself - go for it report back so I can live through you!!! Best to you on your journey!
  • Off_The_Wall
    Do it. After this summer I'll have ticked off 31 countries, and I hadn't even got on a plane until 5 years ago. I've quit my job twice to do it and would again. For the next 4 summers at least, I want to travel big style. No more standard beach holidays (except Ibiza clubbing) I want to do the USA, Asia and the remainder of Europe I've missed. Best thing I ever did, go travelling! I wouldn't spend too much time in one place tho, there's a whole world to see. YOU LIVE ONCE. YOU'RE ONLY CHILDLESS, ONCE. Quit!
  • jac264
    jac264 Posts: 86 Member
    Do it. After this summer I'll have ticked off 31 countries, and I hadn't even got on a plane until 5 years ago. I've quit my job twice to do it and would again. For the next 4 summers at least, I want to travel big style. No more standard beach holidays (except Ibiza clubbing) I want to do the USA, Asia and the remainder of Europe I've missed. Best thing I ever did, go travelling! I wouldn't spend too much time in one place tho, there's a whole world to see. YOU LIVE ONCE. YOU'RE ONLY CHILDLESS, ONCE. Quit!

    Ahhhh thanks! That's so amazing that you've been to so many countries :) You are welcome to crash at my place in San Francisco if you make it over here! I have never taken a standard beach holiday although I wouldn't mind going to the beach around Bocas del Toro Panama at some point!
  • Off_The_Wall
    San Fran, my bro went there while travelling across USA and that was his favourite place! If u come to England you can crash at mine in Manchester (England's 3rd city). Beach holidays are the norm for the UK, cos we've got Spain, Canary Islands, Greek Islands, Malta, Morocco, Sardinia... the list is endless.. pretty much on our "doorstep". They're relaxing but not exciting, and a waste of time for someone who's got hooked on the travel bug. I make sure we visit the beach at least once while travelling, but until I'm older with kids I won't spend a week in the same resort again. Too much to see, so little time! You'll lose major weightage while travelling, espesh with a backpack on all day. Not to mention the food is healthier over here. Everyone I know that's been to USA longer than a month came back at least a stone heavier.
  • TheTallMan
    TheTallMan Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 23 and have already been to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Canada, and Mexico. Traveling is AWESOME and if you have the funds, do it. You can work later, get out and meet people and enjoy everything that you can.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I wouldn't quit my job in this economy but I would take leave if that is possible so that you could get your job back afterwards. Sounds like fun but I wouldn't risk my job for it. Just my two cents! :)
  • afalls11
    afalls11 Posts: 133 Member
    I used to work in the travel industry. I would travel to different locations and countries so I would be able to come back and sell them to clients.

    I sold many around the world tickets. They were good for 15 stops along the way over 6 months. What an opportunity that would be. Once I win the lottery, that is what I'm going to do that and then go explore the world. It has so much to offer.
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    I lost my job and saved up money doing part-time jobs. Eventually I left the country (see profile pic) for 6 weeks to go to the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand and Taiwan. It was the greatest experience of my life! I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I lived in exactly 3-4 days worth of clothing for 2 weeks because I sent a box full of clothing (packed a ton!!) and came late. I learned that all you need is enough to get by.

    But also when you're stripped of convenience and things (you don't "really" need) life gets so simple and less stress. I'd have to say I was "needy/materialistic" for about 2 weeks. Then I adapted to new cultures and learned that I don't need much to be very happy.

    I was even more stressed when I came back :grumble:
  • jac264
    jac264 Posts: 86 Member
    San Fran, my bro went there while travelling across USA and that was his favourite place! If u come to England you can crash at mine in Manchester (England's 3rd city). Beach holidays are the norm for the UK, cos we've got Spain, Canary Islands, Greek Islands, Malta, Morocco, Sardinia... the list is endless.. pretty much on our "doorstep". They're relaxing but not exciting, and a waste of time for someone who's got hooked on the travel bug. I make sure we visit the beach at least once while travelling, but until I'm older with kids I won't spend a week in the same resort again. Too much to see, so little time! You'll lose major weightage while travelling, espesh with a backpack on all day. Not to mention the food is healthier over here. Everyone I know that's been to USA longer than a month came back at least a stone heavier.

    Wooo yes I also have a friend going to London Business School next year AND I'm a big English soccer fan so I would love to go to the UK and then do some hiking in Spain! I would love to be around healthier food too! Soon soon...
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    I've never done it, but I completely envy you. I am hoping to do something similar across Asia when my daughter graduates High School. While you are childless and unmarried, I encourage you to live your life to the fullest and learn from every culture you encounter. This is the way peace is made- understanding other people across the world. Learn every language you can, learn all the history you can. If you happen upon a job opportunity in another country, take it! Good luck to you!