Sixers Turning Up The Heat - Week Four



  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Ugh....I forgot to weigh in again.. pretty sure i do that every week!!! boo..

    Great job so far ladies!!

    Lauryn - I need to fix my ticker too, you're right, its exactly the motivation we need!!! We CAN do it!!

    I'll post weight tomorrow. promise!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Maggie (magglett) SW 200 / GW 190 / CW 191.5 PROGRESS - 8.5 lbs
    Kristin SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS growing a baby sixer!
    Amy (amypyr) SW 152.2 lbs / GW 146 lbs / CW 151.8 lbs PROGRESS -0.4 lbs
    Melynda (mam885) SW 158lbs/GW 150lbs/CW 154lbs PROGRESS -4.0lbs
    Tammy(derocco) SW 253.4lbs / GW240lbs / CW242.8lbs PROGRESS - 10.6 lbs
    Martha (mjheinrich) SW 135/ GW 130/ CW 134 PROGRESS -1 lbs
    Lauryn.... SW 162.5 lbs/GW 156.5lbs/CW 169lbs PROGRESS +6.5lbs
    AmyLou SW 151.4/GW 147/CW 153 PROGRESS +1.6 lbs

    Rhiannon SW 179 lbs / GW 170 lbs / CW 174.8 lbs PROGRESS - 4.2lbs
    Melody (exorcize) SW 215 /GW205 /CW 210 PROGRESS - 5 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) SW195/ GW 185/ CW 193 PROGRESS +/- 2.0lbs
    Amy(pdxmomof2)SW 200 lbs/ GW 188 lbs / CW 193 lbs PROGRESS +/- 7.0 lbs
    Robin (pettmybunny) SW 191/ GW 185/ CW 187 Progress -3 lbs
    Cathy SW 217.4 / GW 210 / CW 220.8 PROGRESS +3.2 lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) SW 157lbs /GW 150lbs /CW 157lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Nikki (nightshadow) SW 154/ GW 125/ CW 151 PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps) SW 144/GW 140/ CW 144 PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs

    well poo I'm up this week again but its TOM and I have a hard time staying away from salty and sweet snacks this week. If anyone has healthy alternatives to inhaling whatever dessert or popcorn that is around me, please let me know! :blushing:

    back later, need to get ready for work!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Check out my ticker.
    It once said 19lbs to Go.

    Lauryn you can definitely do this. You have come so far already. I am actually really looking forward to being where you are now because then I will start to fit into my nicer clothes I used to wear. I admire that you are trying so hard to persevere despite the challenges life seems to toss out there. I am sure we all have faith in you, just have faith in yourself.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies! I have NO time to chat. Meetings ALL day long...blah! But I'll check back tomorrow. Have a great day gals!:flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Check out my ticker.
    It once said 19lbs to Go.

    Lauryn you can definitely do this. You have come so far already. I am actually really looking forward to being where you are now because then I will start to fit into my nicer clothes I used to wear. I admire that you are trying so hard to persevere despite the challenges life seems to toss out there. I am sure we all have faith in you, just have faith in yourself.

    Awww fanks!! :flowerforyou:

    AmyLou, thanks too!!

    Tough times but I gotta make it through this!
    I believe this is one of those times that will make me a better person, if not kill me :tongue:

    HAPPY HUMP DAY SIXERS!!!!!!!!!!!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Good morning ladies.... It's a beautiful day today. Rolled out of bed, took the dog for a walk already this morning, although we both had to fight the biting flies today. It stormed last night, I wonder if that made the bugs worse today?

    Today is DH's and my 4 year anniversary! We have plans to go out to dinner at a new irish restaurant in town. Then we're going to go to a bar where we have a friend playing in a band. We're not big drinkers, so I'm not worried about blowing my calories on the alcohol.

    So.... how did it go last night Lauryn? Were you able to resist all those temptations you listed? Remember, you've done this once already, you can do it again. Once you get started, it'll get easier. f

    Anybody seen or heard from Cathy or Rhiannon? It's been a slow week on here so far... Hellos to everyone else!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Hey Robin! Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!! Have fun tonight listening to that band.

    And no, I did not resist temptation. I managed to until 1am when I went to bed angry and upset with Mr. X, then I ate a serving or two of peanut butter flavored Whoppers. Luckily, that is only 190-380 cals in damage. I would have done way worse if I had hit the ice cream. I'll count my lucky stars where I can find them.

    I am doing better today. Each day is a new day, each one a new chance to make this right. I will fix it.

    I haven't done lunch yet, but I washed my Jeep (and burned 538 calories.... I vigorously wash and detail!!) and am folding laundry now (not counting those cals). Today should be a good day, food wise. It's a crummy day, dealing with Mr. X.

    I start a new temp job next Wednesday. I am glad since it will give me insurance. I am not-so-glad because it pays only about 75% of what my last job paid. That hurts. Gotta count my blessing though.... I need insurance!!!!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hello Sixers!!

    Thanks Robin for all the advice! I really appreciate it

    Lauryn- I'm glad you are motivated. You can definitely do this. GOOD JOB so far on making small changes to stay focused

    The whole group seems to be doing well. I'm glad we have each other to depend on. Its TOM for me and I'm on my period so no weighing in for me this week. I'm sure I would not be happy with the results. LOL. Anyway.... I need to log on to the site more. I hope at least once daily. I've been out of touch for a while. Take care ladies and thanks for being strong ladies with your eyes on the prize

    Take care,

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    :laugh: Just a quick check-in for me. We still don't have a computer at home so I haven't been on much, plus my Mum is visiting for a week and a half so we're busy busy!! Doing well (and just maintaining right now) and running like a fool. I'm maintaining because I've noticed that the calorie deficit is really affecting my energy levels. We had a talk from a nutritionist who said that if anyone is trying to lose weight while undertaking this training they'll find that in the first half of the training they'll probably have decreased energy and take longer to recover and though I know I can maintain a smaller deficit and be okay, I'm just taking it as it comes. I figure during weeks when we're really stepping up our training I'll keep plenty of food in me and weeks that we're planning training plateaus I'll reduce my calories.

    Lauryn, there's always a road back. Just keep searching.

    I've been wondering about Cathy too!

    Kristin, of COURSE you have no energy!! Keep the positive attitude though :smile: You're getting so close!!

    Tamm, good plan. I checked in a few days ago and I always wonder WHY when I'm already hormonal I would let myself see a higher number on the scale. Sheesh

    Hi everyone else!!

    Alright, off for a run w/ my Mama!


    Maggie (magglett) SW 200 / GW 190 / CW 191.5 PROGRESS - 8.5 lbs
    Kristin SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS growing a baby sixer!
    Amy (amypyr) SW 152.2 lbs / GW 146 lbs / CW 151.8 lbs PROGRESS -0.4 lbs
    Melynda (mam885) SW 158lbs/GW 150lbs/CW 154lbs PROGRESS -4.0lbs
    Tammy(derocco) SW 253.4lbs / GW240lbs / CW242.8lbs PROGRESS - 10.6 lbs
    Martha (mjheinrich) SW 135/ GW 130/ CW 134 PROGRESS -1 lbs
    Lauryn.... SW 162.5 lbs/GW 156.5lbs/CW 169lbs PROGRESS +6.5lbs
    AmyLou SW 151.4/GW 147/CW 153 PROGRESS +1.6 lbs
    Rhiannon SW 179 lbs / GW 170 lbs / CW 174.8 lbs PROGRESS - 4.2lbs

    Melody (exorcize) SW 215 /GW205 /CW 210 PROGRESS - 5 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) SW195/ GW 185/ CW 193 PROGRESS +/- 2.0lbs
    Amy(pdxmomof2)SW 200 lbs/ GW 188 lbs / CW 193 lbs PROGRESS +/- 7.0 lbs
    Robin (pettmybunny) SW 191/ GW 185/ CW 187 Progress -3 lbs
    Cathy SW 217.4 / GW 210 / CW 220.8 PROGRESS +3.2 lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) SW 157lbs /GW 150lbs /CW 157lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Nikki (nightshadow) SW 154/ GW 125/ CW 151 PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps) SW 144/GW 140/ CW 144 PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey gals! Quick check in for me! Leaving work today at noon. And tomorrow morning we leave for Canada for a I won't be back on here until the 27th. WOW! I'll miss you girlies!

    Got to get started on some work. Have a FABULOUS week girls and I look forward to talking with you again soon!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Kristin, have fun in Canada, eh? :smile:

    Rhiannon, you may not see this but doesn't matter -- HI :glasses: Hope you are having fun running with your mom. I have had a terrible lingering head/chest cold. I can't breath right in order to run so I'll have to start back at square one once this passes.

    Tamm, TOM stinks when weighing. Let it pass, then weigh. You'll be great! :wink:

    I weighed in today at 165lbs. Phew! Seeing results, even if skewed, encourages me.

    I'm debating spin class tonight. This lingering head cold is thwarting proper breathing for exercise. Might give it a try anyhow. :smile:

    Happy Thursday!!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Ok.... so down from the water weight on Tuesday, but up from the weigh in yesterday... lol... I just can't seem to win! I'm using my weigh in weight from yesterday, since we ate out last night, and had who knows how much sodium, plus what was in my amarretto diet cokes... lol Dinner was yummy, although I tried to limit what I was eating somewhat. We had cheese stuffed, breaded, deep fried mushrooms as an appetizer, and I only ate one. They were good, but not good enough for me to keep eating them. Then, tomato basil soup that was delish, along with a piece of soda bread. That soda bread was perfect, but I still only ate half my piece, and gave the other half to DH. My main was a bit harder to pick, as I didn't want skanky breath later in the night (seeing as how there was extra smooching going on because of anniv....) So no bangers and camp, and no corned beef and cabbage. I stuck it safe with a shepherds pie. The potatoes were soooo creamy. But the ground beef seemed a little greasy. I only ate a quarter of it, and brought the rest home. No dessert, since I had made a strawberry-rhubarb pie that afternoon. We went to the bar and enjoyed the music, then got home about 1. Even though we had the fresh pie, we ended up not having any, and just went to bed. After "just going to bed" (hee hee hee) I did want pie, but was actually too tired and lazy to get out of bed to get it, and couldn't talk DH into bringing me some in bed. So... good night all!

    Maggie (magglett) SW 200 / GW 190 / CW 191.5 PROGRESS - 8.5 lbs
    Kristin SW 000 lbs / GW 000 lbs / CW 000 lbs PROGRESS growing a baby sixer!
    Amy (amypyr) SW 152.2 lbs / GW 146 lbs / CW 151.8 lbs PROGRESS -0.4 lbs
    Melynda (mam885) SW 158lbs/GW 150lbs/CW 154lbs PROGRESS -4.0lbs
    Tammy(derocco) SW 253.4lbs / GW240lbs / CW242.8lbs PROGRESS - 10.6 lbs
    Martha (mjheinrich) SW 135/ GW 130/ CW 134 PROGRESS -1 lbs
    Lauryn.... SW 162.5 lbs/GW 156.5lbs/CW 169lbs PROGRESS +6.5lbs
    AmyLou SW 151.4/GW 147/CW 153 PROGRESS +1.6 lbs
    Rhiannon SW 179 lbs / GW 170 lbs / CW 174.8 lbs PROGRESS - 4.2lbs
    Robin (pettmybunny) SW 191/ GW 185/ CW 187.5 Progress -2.5 lbs

    Melody (exorcize) SW 215 /GW205 /CW 210 PROGRESS - 5 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm) SW195/ GW 185/ CW 193 PROGRESS +/- 2.0lbs
    Amy(pdxmomof2)SW 200 lbs/ GW 188 lbs / CW 193 lbs PROGRESS +/- 7.0 lbs
    Cathy SW 217.4 / GW 210 / CW 220.8 PROGRESS +3.2 lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman) SW 157lbs /GW 150lbs /CW 157lbs PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
    Nikki (nightshadow) SW 154/ GW 125/ CW 151 PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps) SW 144/GW 140/ CW 144 PROGRESS +/- 0.0lbs
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Robin, I'm always thankful when my want for food is overridden by my desire to stay in bed :laugh:

    After a late breakfast at 11am, I'm just now hungry for lunch. Gotta figure out what to grab. Might do another sandwich. Quick and low cal-ish.

    Posting here to keep reminding myself to EAT RIGHT. WATCH MY CALORIES. BE ACCOUNTABLE. I have work pants to fit in next Wednesday!!! (And since that will be day-before TOM, I will be bloated and NEED that extra space desperately!!! :laugh: )

    xo ladies!!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Kristin- Have fun in Canada... it would be nice if you bumped into Rhiannon. :)

    Rhiannon- I'm glad to see you are still running. I may be planning to do a 1/2 marathon in Nov. It would be my 3rd race this year. Glad you are doing well.

    Lauryn- Thanks!!! I must have your same head cold. I can't win for losing with this thing but I'm mouth breathing right through my personal training. If its too much I will stop but other than that I have GOALS to obtain. I'm glad your workouts/eating are working. I know you can do it! BEST of LUCK

    Cathy- How are you doing??? I haven't seen you around? But I was missing myself. Take care

    Robin- All of that food sounded wonderful. I think you did a good job with your portion control. Congrats. Focus on the positives.

    To everyone else.... I hope your fitness and weight removal journeys are going well. I've decided everyday I will write down things I did to better my health and weight and etc. For example 1. I skipped a lovely donut at work this morning. I deserve a smile or two for that... I LOVE KRISPY KREME. LOL, but you see what I'm saying. I will focus on the positive not the negative. Lauryn taught me that once before. :flowerforyou: Well I'm off to get dressed for personal training. :flowerforyou:

    TAke care,

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Lauryn, thanks & HI! I'm glad you're seeing some progress :bigsmile:

    Robin, sounds like a nice anniversary!

    Tamm, that's great that you're planning to do a half in November! I'm very excited for mine!! And yep, still running like a fiend :tongue: These days I'm usually running 25 to 30km a week but that's on its way up. Personal trailing still feeling great??

    I'm looking forward to getting to bed at a decent time and getting a nice long run in tomorrow morning with two friends. I've been so wiped out lately... I can't run like I do AND not sleep enough or take care to get enough recovery nutrients into me!!

    G'night all! :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Tamm, skipping on a Krispy Kreme is a BIG deal and deserves a huge pat on the back!! Good for you!

    Rhiannon, I am continually impressed with your perserverance with running. You are amazing!!!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Good morning ladies! We had that strawberry-rhubarb pie last night. Oh My Goodness! It was to die for! I seriously wanted to have a second piece. So did DH, but I talked him out of it by reminding him we only had about 6 weeks until the cruise. He told me I was playing low blows, but I have no idea what he meant by that (hee hee hee). Luckily, all the kids liked the pie too, so there is only the two pieces left... Yummmmmm I finished week one (again) on C25K today. I was googling podcasts and found some more perky ones than Robert Ullrey's. I took 3 minutes off my time today, and I really think it was because of the different music. Anyone who's doing it, I can share the links, if you want them. Or you can look for them on the thread.

    Rhiannon, you might be past these distances, but I found a site, Podrunner, that has podcasts to help with different runs. It's very much techno music, but the sampling I listened to for C25K sounded pretty good. They also have them for 8K and 10K. They also have other mixes on their main webpage. Right now I'm playing their GrooveElectric mix. It's over an hour of mixed funk.

    Tamm, I've never had a Krispy Kreme. But, I do know donut desire! lol Good job ignoring it.

    Lauryn, you're always so motivating to all of us, turn that motivation towards yourself! You know you can do it, and I'm glad the scale showed some improvement this week.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    good morning, all you missing peeps! lol... Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi There My Sixers Friends!!! Hope you're all having a great weekend!! Weekends sure are different then the weekdays eh? Routine? What routine? BBQ last night and All you can eat Prime Rib Dinner tonight!!! :noway: Yikes! I guess these things keep happening in life no matter what journey I'm on. I can do this ... I can make healthy choices ... no problem ... I think I can ... I think I can ... I think I can ... :happy:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Magglett- you can definitely make healthy choices!!! Good luck. Sometimes I do an extra great job through the week so I can eat some unhealthy things one day of the weekend.

    Rhiannon- I hope your race goes well. Training is wonderful. I've lost 7 inches of my waist and inches other places as well. I'm excited and glad I made myself use the training opportunity. I've been getting lots of compliments.

    Lauryn- How was your eating the rest of the week?

    Robin- I hope you are having a restful weekend. Take care girlie!!!

    Love ya,

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