How to cut carbs and sugar?

Just started tracking my food and realized I'm eating too much sugar and too many carbs and not enough fat. I'm surprised since its not sugar treats I'm eating.


  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I know what you mean ... when I started MFP over a year ago, it was a shock what things worked out to. There's sugar in lots of things like bread, bagels, dairy including yogurt etc. And fruit sent carbs way up along with sugar score. It took some education to learn about what to eat so I'd encourage you to learn as much as you can and find what works or you. My jouney is on my profie and you can friend me if you like. I don't often record in the food diary anymore but did today.
  • Amommymoose
    Amommymoose Posts: 29 Member
    Lots of things resolve to sugar in the body:

    * fruits and fruit juices
    * grains (especially white grains like white rice and corn--which is a grain, not a veggie)
    * potatoes
    * starchy vegetables like winter squashes (butternut, acorn, etc.)
    * high sugar content fresh veggies (beets, carrots)

    And the more processed it is, the worse it is in terms of resolving to sugar. So things made with flour--even whole grain flour--turn into sugar in the body FAST because the original "packaging" nature gave it isn't in tact. Even if that packaging was ground into the flour, it's not surrounding the grain the way it was and how it goes through your system--when it breaks down, etc.--it's just not the same.

    Just take baby steps. Focus on one thing at a time, and rather than cut it out--try crowding it out. So if you drink fruit juice, don't focus on cutting it out--focus on drinking more water so there's no real opportunity for you to drink the juice. Does that make sense?

    And taking in more fats and proteins certainly helps with how this stuff affects your overall blood sugar/insulin balance. HUGE.

    Hope this helps!