Quick questions about HRM's

I have a Red Clover HRM. I love it. It's extremely accurate, but I have a question about a feature it has. When iv'e finished working out it reads back all the stats from my workout i.e avg hr, high hr, fat burned percentage ect. Anyway, I usually burn about 10 cals per minute and my fat burned percentage is usually 60%. Today I burned the same cals as always but my fat burned percentage was 45%. Today I did cardio and weights. Could that be why? I'm confused by this feature. Hope this made sense...lol...and thanks in advance :)


  • drmryder
    drmryder Posts: 181 Member
    was your workout longer or shorter than it was yesterday?
  • adriana_hackney
    adriana_hackney Posts: 232 Member
    It was longer by 5 minutes. Yesterday was cardio only. Today was 20 minute cardio and 25 minutes with weights.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    HR monitors are very inaccurate for weight training, I think that's what messed with your numbers.