How to get rid of BELLY FAT :)

shevmg Posts: 11 Member
I lost almost 40 pounds a few years ago & have kept my weight off. However I have fat on my stomach (only) & I can't seem to get it off :(

Just wondering if any of you have advice of what I can eat to get rid of my belly fat or what exercise I can do to get rid of belly fat.

Thank you :happy:


  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Track everything that you consume, even beverages. That way you see it and can tweak things as you need to.

    Exercise - Do it regularly. Use both of the tools in the tool box, meaning you need both cardio and resistance training.

    Cardio stimulates fat loss directly (including abominable fat) and improves cardiopulminary function. This equals endurance. An important attribute to have for many reasons, including the following.

    Resistance training promotes muscle retention and development. Failure to incorporate this means a very high probability that your body well shed just as much, if not more, muscle as it well fat while you are in a caloric deficit. Additionally, developed muscle increases your resting metabolism. The recovery process from lifting increases the metabolism while it takes place. Also, no muscle development means no toned appearance.

    Food - Eat enough. Eat plenty of protein. Customizing your macro nutrient ratios for 25 to 35 % protein is widely done to aid in the exercise recovery process and help retain muscle. Listen to your body and tweak your macros accordingly.

    There is no spot reducing. There is only patience and persistence.
  • DB_1106
    DB_1106 Posts: 154 Member

    There is no spot reducing. There is only patience and persistence.

  • shevmg
    shevmg Posts: 11 Member
    thank you
    what is macro nutrient ratios?
    how do I figure this out?
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    your macro nutrient ratios are the % of calories that come from protein, carbohydrates, and fats.

    Click on goals and choose custom.

    You set the percentages and save.

    For example you could set your carbs to 40%, protein at 30%, and your fats at 30%. That is just an example, tweak to what you find works best for you over time. Set your ratios and stick with them for about 6 weeks and then tweak as needed after that.

    Also eat back your exercise calories to accomodate recovery. You will still have a net caloric deficit to hit your goals.