A killer journey

My name is Crystal, and while I am not exactly "new" here, I am embarking on a new weight loss journey. I'm a bit scatter brained, and before when I tried to use MFP, I had to remember to log onto the web. Most of the time, I use the app... Accountability in my pocket. I have 100+ pounds to lose, and I am looking for friends on here. I like friends with similar goals because it's hard for me to relate to someone with 20 lbs to lose, but I'm not going to limit my friends based on that.

Right now, I'm focusing on just staying within my calorie goals. I meet with a trainer once a week, and she told me that since I have so much to lose, simply watching my numbers will work in the beginning. Once I get closer to my goals, I am gonna try to convert to veganism. Not because I think it is wrong to eat animals, but because I am allergic to milk, and red meat. Lol.

I also walk as many days a week as I can, and do a standard calisthenics workout every other day.

Please add me :)