Atkins and other low carb diets..............

LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
Many doctors and researchers are finding out that Atkins and other lower carb eating plans (that are adhered to as part of a lifestyle change) is the better way to go for weight loss.................

Here is the link on MSN health..................


  • SamiRose
    SamiRose Posts: 118 Member
    be very cautious of low-carb diets! Yes, you'll lose weight, but you are putting your heath at jeopardy. One needs carbs for energy, thats a fact. So, decreasing carb intake dramatically is decreasing energy dramatically. Your metabolism takes energy to function...think about you really wanna slow down your metabolism?

    After exercise Carb ingestion is HIGHLY advised...just remember that!

    Some of those diets "appear" to work well b/c of the loss of water weight that it causes. They can also cause overly rapid weight-loss that may result in lose skin....not a good thing.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    be very cautious of low-carb diets! Yes, you'll lose weight, but you are putting your heath at jeopardy. One needs carbs for energy, thats a fact. So, decreasing carb intake dramatically is decreasing energy dramatically. Your metabolism takes energy to function...think about you really wanna slow down your metabolism?

    After exercise Carb ingestion is HIGHLY advised...just remember that!

    Some of those diets "appear" to work well b/c of the loss of water weight that it causes. They can also cause overly rapid weight-loss that may result in lose skin....not a good thing.

    What you wrote has NO fact and is all opinion and misconception. I have 1000% more energy doing a low carb diet than lethargy from a high carb, low fat diet that causes me to gain weight and my blood sugar to go out of whack, cholesterol raises,etc...........

    Did you even look at the video?????? The doctors and the JAMA refuted everything you posted. I know an ENTIRE website of people that will refute everything you stated.

    The medical community is finally realizing that low carb is the way to go for natural eating.............
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I have better blood work on Atkins, do not have to take high blood pressure or diabetes medications, go to the gym, do cardio and weight workouts at high intensity and leave feeling full of life and energy.

    The carbs I eat come from natural sources, vegetables first, then nuts, little dairy (not fond of) and then minimal fruit due to me being diabetic.................

    I eat more healthy than most people on this website.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493

    I dont think she was attacking you...just trying to help. I myself went on Atkins a few years back, and yes it worked, until I went back to eating normally. Then I gained back all of the weight I lost and then some. I guess I did not grasp the lifestyle change concept(lol) What works for one may not work for others. I personally do not have the will power for Atkins or low carb diets, so what works for me is counting calories and trying to eat sensible un processed foods. You will also find some docs that say Atkins and low carb is not good for you and others that do. It comes down to what actually works for you on an individual basis. :flowerforyou:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    be very cautious of low-carb diets! Yes, you'll lose weight, but you are putting your heath at jeopardy. One needs carbs for energy, thats a fact. So, decreasing carb intake dramatically is decreasing energy dramatically. Your metabolism takes energy to function...think about you really wanna slow down your metabolism?

    After exercise Carb ingestion is HIGHLY advised...just remember that!

    Some of those diets "appear" to work well b/c of the loss of water weight that it causes. They can also cause overly rapid weight-loss that may result in lose skin....not a good thing.

    Clinical studies have shown those concerns to be untrue. Here is a site with one such study:

    While I don't enitrely agree with the statement "low carb is the way to go for natural eating" because it sounds as though there is only one way, I agree there is nothing wrong with low carb diets. The problems most people have with low carb diets is that they think it is a temporary change rather than veiwing it as a lifestyle change. Anything will fail in the long term with that mindset. If so one can do it properly, there is nothing inherently dangerous about them.
  • vanessadawn
    vanessadawn Posts: 249
    How do you get your fibre? Veggies I suppose. Anyways I have tried a low carb diet, too restrictive for me. But I read an article a while back on a study that discovered that any diet be it South Beach, Atkins, Low fat etc. that was successful, each came down to the individuals taking in less calories. So Atkins may work for some because choices are limited, and you can't eat high calorie sugary white carbs, so in essence lowers your calorie intake. Anyways here is a link to the study I think I read about. But it's important to note that individuals or groups can shout to the world whichever diet they are on, it still might not work for someone else, to each their own.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    How do you get your fibre? Veggies I suppose. Anyways I have tried a low carb diet, too restrictive for me. But I read an article a while back on a study that discovered that any diet be it South Beach, Atkins, Low fat etc. that was successful, each came down to the individuals taking in less calories. So Atkins may work for some because choices are limited, and you can't eat high calorie sugary white carbs, so in essence lowers your calorie intake. Anyways here is a link to the study I think I read about. But it's important to note that individuals or groups can shout to the world whichever diet they are on, it still might not work for someone else, to each their own.

    Choices aren't limited with low carb.....................The only thing I don't eat is white sugar, white flour, white no white bread, no crackers, etc.......... If I want a slice of bread, I eat sunflower or oat bread, I am intolerant to wheat.

    I get plenty, plenty of fiber from vegetables, wasa fiber crisp bread, I eat fruit, due to having diabetes, I eat no more than 3-4 servings of fruit a week, which I usually put in my morning smoothie............which contains vegetables and fruit, along with full fat yogurt and Jay Robb protein powder............

    That is my breakfast and mid-morning snack................
  • SamiRose
    SamiRose Posts: 118 Member
    first of all... I wasn't attacking you as I has said. and I most definitely didn't say that high carb was good either. but Low carb can be negative, It can cause Ketone's to go out of wack.

    I was simply giving caution. I'm not some average joe off the street either. I do this for a living and am studying Physiology of health rather in-depth.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    bump so i can check out the video later
  • SamiRose
    SamiRose Posts: 118 Member
    ...and I hate to break it to you, but it IS FACT that carbohydrates give energy. One does need an adequate amount in their diet.

    Carbs are more easily digested then fats and Proteins. By not taking in carbs one can actually cause the body to break down protein. Thus, this causes a degeneration of muscle tissue. which can lead to the lose skin factor.

    It's not healthy for your body to use fats and proteins as it's fuel source.

    Sure I think we all can agree that eating pasta for every meal is bad. And yes, lots of carbs can be negative. But your body NEEDS carbohydrates! To help store, transport and create energy.

    Externally one may feel fine, but it's internally thats getting the most effects. If you want to lose weight to be "thin" go for it....but if you want to lose weight to be HEALTHY, these are NOT the best OPTION.
  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    I think as long as whatever you are doing is being successful and if your DOCTOR says you are healthy and nothing is wrong, then keep at it.

    Unless it is affecting your health, I think that there is no reason to stop doing something you like. If you are eating whatever you want, eating in moderation, low-carbing, low-fatting, etc and losing weight and is healthy, great for you!
    Don't let other peoples' opinions on what you are doing bother you.

    Not every type of diet works for everyone.
    Everyone's body is different.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I'm agreeing with adoucet here....

    Low carb diets catch a lot of flack for so many reasons but I can't say that calorie counting is all that great when it allows a person to sit there and eat crap and be like oh, that's ok, I stayed within my calorie allotment!

    I, too, follow a low carb eating plan and have more energy from eating this way than I did before! Now on the rare occasions that I sit down and say eat pasta or pastries or potatoes, I get very lethargic and just feel like sitting there afterward.

    So to each his and her own.
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    I am on a low carb lifestyle plan and I feel FANTASTIC , it's when I go back on the carbs that I start feeling like crap again and I immediately get back on low carb and I feel better. I LISTEN to my body and every single time I go back to high carbs I start to feel really lethargic , no energy and just feel like sleeping around the clock. For me that is NOT HEALTHY!! As the others here have said , to each his or her own!! What works for one might not work for another!!!