let's do this!!

Maraleen_M Posts: 14 Member
Hi, Everyone!

I just joined MFP, thanks to my girlfriend who mentioned it at our first Boot Camp class on Monday night.
I have been a chronic dieter since I was a teenager, losing upwards of 50 lbs in my adult years and then slowly regaining. That proverbial creeping up in numbers that happens when we lose sight of our hard-earned victory, and we suddenly look at ourselves and wonder when the heck it happened. Yep. That's where I am right now. Again.
I'm not looking for a miracle, I'm not looking for a fast fix. I know this takes effort, work, and dedication. And I'm ok with that.
For the times I've looked in the mirror and wasn't pleased with the reflection - and for those times I felt like I was smokin' hot in my "skinny jeans" - I'm here, I'm willing, and I WILL get there!! :wink:
